U A R T E R L Y R E V I E W N o . 1 / S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 2
Raging Computer Viruses
Information and communications Research Unit
4.1 Introduction
Around July and August 2001, two types of
viruses*1—SirCam and CodeRed/CodeRed II—
were running rampant. Developed for malicious
purposes, both are highly infectious and capable
of generating severe symptoms (damage from
Malicious programs such as viruses, worms, and
causing increasingly serious
damage as they become more sophisticated year
after year and as they spread more quickly via the
highly prevalent Internet.
This report summarizes recent trends in computer
viruses,with emphasis on the above two viruses.
4.2 Virus overview
4.2.1 SirCam
(1) Characteristics
SirCam, a virus/worm that made its first
appearance on July 17, 2001, is distributed via email
attachments. When a recipient opens an
infectious attachment, the virus program is loaded
onto the PC to start the following activities.
SirCam sends e-mails to e-mail addresses registered
in the address book of MS Outlook/Outlook
Express and in files included in the Internet
Temporary Files folder of the infected system.
Each message has an attachment that contains a
document or an image file randomly selected from
the PC’s My Document folder as well as a copy of
the virus program. The title of each message is
equivalent to the one for the file selected as its
attachment, while the body is written in English or
Spanish. The messages are transmitted by the
worm itself without leaving any records on the email
software, so that the user often does not
notice it.
In addition, this virus does the following damage.
1) There is a certain chance that SirCam may
delete all files on the C drive on October 16.
2) There is a certain chance that SirCam may fill
up the vacant hard disk space at startup of
Due to a bug in the program, SirCam does not
work on Windows NT/2000. In addition to this,
anti-virus measures, such as removing viruses at
the server level, which major businesses and some
ISPs have taken in response to past virus threats,
prevented this worm from being as widespread as
Love Letter (also known as “I love you”), a
malicious program discovered in May 2000. Yet
SirCam seems rampant among private users. The
Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan
(IPA), the nation’s virus watchdog organization,
received a total of 1,441 reports (22% of them
about actual infection) on SirCam from July 21
through August 20, 2001. In particular, in August,
the number of filed reports hit a record high
(1,257 reports) for a single virus within a month.
(2) Actual damage
By sending a randomly selected file as e-mail,
SirCam exposes personal or corporate information
to a third party. In fact, official documents of the
FBI and the Ukrainian government have leaked out
as a result of the virus. In Japan, computers at the
prefectural governments of Nagano and Shiga
were infected. According to an estimation by
Computer Economics, Inc., an American IT
research company, more than 2.3 million
computers throughout the world will have
become infected with SirCam by the end of
August 2001, making individuals and enterprises
lose as much as a total of $1 billion as the cost for
lost productivity, and so on.
S C I E N C E & T E C H N O L O G Y T R E N D S
4.2.2 CodeRed/CodeRed II
(1) Characteristics
Targeting Microsoft Windows NT/2000 machines,
CodeRed is a worm that attacks computers by
exploiting a security hole in the Web server
program known as IIS (Internet Information
Server). A security hole is a vulnerability that
causes security problems such as having the
security check function deactivated by certain
Having emerged on July 13, 2001, the worm was
particularly running rampant on July 19 as it
infected an estimated 250,000 plus machines
worldwide in 9 hours. Microsoft estimates that 6
million computers throughout the world have the
risk of infection.
After entering a computer, CodeRed carries out
the following operations.
蘆After two hours from the time of infection,
the infected system starts to display a
message,“Welcometo http://www.worm.com!
Hacked by Chinese!”, whenever the client PC
accesses a Web page through the infected
server, and this symptom lasts for eight hours.
蘆From the 1st to 19th every month, the virus
carries out infectious attacks on computers
with IP addresses it randomly generates.
蘆From the 20th to 27th every month, all
servers launch a DDoS*2 attack
against the White House’s Web site.
蘆From the 28th to the last day of every month,
the virus stops operation to pause.
The White House has changed its Web site address
at July 19 to avoid DDoS attacks by CodeRed.
CodeRed became active again on August 1, and
caused further damage. CodeRed Ver. 2, a variant of
CodeRed, was discovered on July 19, followed by
the more destructive version CodeRed II, found on
August 4.
Instead of defacing Web pages, CodeRed II creates
a backdoor (a secret entrance for hackers) on the
infected server so that the hacker can take control
of the server. In addition, as CodeRed II generates
a wider range of IP addresses to define targets for
attacks, infection may become more widespread.
CodeRed can also infect a private PC, as long as it
has IIS installed. Even without infection, an attack
by CodeRed can cause secondary damage such as
network overloading and malfunction of routers
and modems.
(2) Actual damage
As mentioned above, the White House’s Web site
was forced to change its address. CodeRed also did
a lot of harm to many other Web sites including
that of Federal Express in the U.S. and Hotmail, a
free e-mail service provided by Microsoft, which
either shut down the site or suffered interference
with business due to overwhelming network
traffic. In August 2001, infection spread to South
Korea and China. In Japan, Tokyo Metallic
Communications Corp. suffered a communication
failure on their network presumably caused by
this worm. IPA estimates several thousand systems
nationwide have been infected with CodeRed as
of August 6, 2001. Computer Economics projects
that more than a million computers will be
infected with CodeRed and its variants by the end
of August, producing $2.6 billion worth of losses.
4.3 Trends in recent viruses
These two viruses, SirCam and CodeRed, have the
typical characteristics of recent malicious
File viruses such as SirCam are typically passed
with files via e-mail, and start working only when
the recipients open the files. However, SirCam
uses a technique to transmit infectious e-mail by
itself to dramatically increase its infection route.
SirCam also uses psychological tricks such as
making believe the infectious e-mail is from a
friend by using the address book of the infected
PC and adding a random title to the infectious
message and its attachment for disguise. Similar
types of viruses including Love Letter are
increasing these days.
On the other hand, a new type of virus has been
discovered, that can be embedded in an e-mail
message body to infect the e-mail recipient’s
computer even if no attachment is opened (VBS.
Happy Time, etc.).Also found (on August 18, 2001,
in Japan) was not a virus but a kind of malicious
program that can infect and crash a system when
just accesses certain Web pages. Aside
U A R T E R L Y R E V I E W N o . 1 / S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 2
from the trend toward greater speed of infection,
an increase of viruses that are passed through
instant messaging (IM) services and mobile
information devices, which have recently
prevailed, is posing a new threat.
CodeRed is a virus designed to change Web pages
without authorization and carry out DDoS attacks.
This kind of virus is often used for political
demonstrations, as in the case of the attack against
the White House’s Web site. Another obvious
trend is the growth of viruses that, just like
CodeRed II, intend to steal information by
creating a hacking program on the infected
computer. These new characteristics, which are
not seen in conventional-type viruses, indicate a
change in the nature of virus writers.
4.4 Developments in virus
A SirCam virus is loaded onto a system only when
the virus program attached to an e-mail is opened.
In addition, anti-virus software developers updated
virus pattern files*3 to
prevent SirCam
immediately after it was discovered. If uses had
been more cautious, the virus would have been
less rampant. On the other hand, when the
security hole that CodeRed exploited for infection
had been found on June 19, 2001, a patch (an
additional program to fix bugs) to repair it was
published by Microsoft together with an alert
about the risk of a hacker making ill use of the
vulnerability to take over servers. The security
threat was obvious since, in early July, a program
that can make an unauthorized entry into servers
through the security hole was distributed online
(it was removed afterwards). If every vulnerable
computer had applied the patch, there would not
have been any problems.
In practice, however, either of these viruses spread
so widely that a great deal of harm was done. Here
are possible reasons.
Many computer users, especially home users, are
not well aware of the risk of viruses and the need
for updating their virus pattern files.
Many companies do not understand how critical
security measures are and thus do not take
complete security measures. SOHO businesses, in
particular, often do not even have a dedicated
system administrator with sufficient skills.
System administrators are not able to keep their
systems up to date and secured, since security
vulnerability alerts are being issued on a weekly
basis. For example, as only to the security
information related to IIS, Microsoft posted as
many as 25 notices on its Web page over the past
one year.
While security information is released at an early
stage on the Internet, other major media usually
do not report it until damage becomes widely
known. For example, SirCam made its first
appearance in a major newspaper, the evening
edition of Mainichi Daily News, on July 24, 2001,
and CodeRed was first reported in Asahi
Shimbun’s evening paper on July 31.
Even though an increasing number of malicious
program writers have been captured recently, the
authorities have yet to catch up with the growth
of viruses. As creating viruses is becoming easier
with a variety of tools available on the Internet,
complete eradication of all viruses is virtually
In addition to traditional security services for
enterprises, a new service to provide mail- virus
detection on ISP servers has recently been
introduced as an effective means to prevent
viruses. In Japan, NDS, an Okayama-based ISP
company, started this service in July 2001,
followed by the leading ISP Nifty in August.
Meanwhile, Symantec, an anti-virus software
developer, and IBM jointly developed a technology
called “Digital Immune System.” The system, in
response to primary infection of a new virus,
immediately updates the virus pattern file and
anti-virus program to be distributed to every
subscriber to the service. While another ongoing
approach is to develop a technology to detect a
new virus without its virus definition, it will take
much more time to bring into actual use.
Considering that more and more computers are
expected to be used in households through the
widespread use of broadband connectivity and
with networked home appliances, individual-level
protection is critical to reduce damage attributed
to viruses. To this end, further efforts to promote
basic virus protection as well as to enhance
fundamental anti-virus education through facilities
provide education on IT is asked for. Also
S C I E N C E & T E C H N O L O G Y T R E N D S
important is earlier public attention to at least
highly destructive viruses via popular media such
as TV and newspapers.
*Online news sites including ZDNN and
Nikkei Biz, and Web sites of the Informationtechnology
Security Center at IPA, anti-virus
software developers, Computer Emergency
Response Team (CERT) at Carnegie Melon
University, the National Infrastructure
Protection Center (NIPC) in the U.S., and so
on, were referred to during the research for
this report.
Explanation of terms
*1 viruses, worms, and Trojan horses
A program that does harm to a computer is
generally called a virus. When narrowly
defined, a virus is a program that; (1) resides in
another file and becomes active when it is
opened, (2) creates a copy of itself in other
files or computers upon infection, and (3)
shows symptoms after a certain incubation
period or at a preset trigger.
Worms are different from viruses in that; (1)
they are independent and do not need host
files, and (2) they are enabled to search for and
infect targets by themselves.
A Trojan horse, while looking like an
innocuous program, carries out in the
background operations that the user of the
infected system does not intend.This malicious
program is different from viruses and worms
in that it is not always infectious. However,
many of the recent malicious programs
combine the characteristics of the above
three, just like SirCam, which is classified as a
worm as well as a Trojan horse by some
*2 DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks
In a DoS (Denial of Service) attack, a targeted
Web site or network is swamped with an
overwhelming amount of simultaneous
accesses, so that the service it provides grinds
to a halt. For a DDoS attack, a type of DoS
attacks, the attacker typically takes control of a
large number of third-party systems through
hacking or other techniques to launch DoS
attacks from multiple places.
*3 virus pattern file
This file contains a database of patterns that
are specific to virus programs. Anti-virus
software uses these patterns to detect viruses.
As the pattern varies by virus, users are
required to keep their virus pattern files up to
in order to prevent new viruses.