13 APRIL 2000
Mr. Chairman, distinguished
Members of the Committee, thank you for
inviting me to testify.
I am pleased to present an unclassified intelligence
overview of the anthrax
The Intelligence Community
assesses that anthrax is the leading
biological warfare threat
agent. The potential for terrorist use of this agent is
also of concern to us based
on the relative ease with which it can be produced.
Anthrax is considered an
anti-personnel biological warfare agent. However, it
also has economic warfare
applications for anti-agricultural use against
What is Anthrax?
Anthrax is a naturally occurring
disease of herbivores like sheep, cattle,
and goats. This disease
occurs worldwide, and particularly in areas where
animals are not routinely
vaccinated, such as in Asia and Africa. A spore
forming bacteria causes
the disease. In the spore form, the bacteria are
resistant to environmental
effects and demonstrate a high level of stability.
There are three modes of
exposure. One form occurs usually on the
hands and forearms of persons
working with infected livestock. Mortality rate
ranges up to 25%. The gastrointestinal
form is contracted by ingestion of
insufficiently cooked contaminated
meat. The mortality rate can range up to
70%. The third way anthrax
is contracted is by inhalation of anthrax spores.
The fatality rate is virtually
100%. Because airborne anthrax spores have the
ability to infect large
numbers over a large coverage area, inhalational anthrax
is the primary concern for
biological warfare.
In inhalation anthrax, the
spores are inhaled into the lungs and migrate
to the lymph nodes in the
cavity between the lungs. Once in the lymph nodes,
the spores germinate and
produce toxins, which cause massive internal tissue
destruction and swelling.
The bacteria can also enter the blood and cause
blood poisoning. The first
symptoms can appear one to several days after
inhalation, and include
general flu-like symptoms, fever and fatigue. Severe
respiratory distress and
then death will occur in 24-36 hours.
Anthrax –
An Ideal Organism for Biological Warfare
Anthrax is an ideal organism
for biological warfare use. Anthrax is 100%
lethal if not treated before
symptoms appear. There is no effective treatment
available once symptoms
have occurred. This is a critical issue for troops since
there is no indication of
exposure to anthrax until after the symptoms have
appeared – and then
it is too late.
Anthrax spores can be produced
in large quantities with basic biological
techniques. It grows easily
and can be used as a dry powder or as slurry
(slush) for aerosol spray.
Anthrax spores can be stored for decades without
losing their viability.
They can be delivered by missiles, rockets, artillery, and
sprayers. Anthrax can be
stored in filled munitions, as well as in dry or liquid
Anthrax particles can be
achieved in the 1-5 micron range, which is
optimal for suspending absorbed
biological warfare agent in an aerosol cloud
and carrying it over long
distances. This range also represents the optimal
particle size for inhalation
The equipment for anthrax
spore production is dual use. Illegal
production can be concealed
in legitimate production industries. Additionally,
legitimate public health
and veterinarian needs for vaccines and bio-pesticides
can camouflage agent production.
Anthrax is considered a
cost-effective alternative to other weapons of
mass destruction methods.
A smaller quantity is required for the same area of
coverage when compared to
other weapons of mass destruction means. For
comparison, for 120 square
kilometers of coverage, you would need onemegaton
yield of nuclear material,
158 metric tons of a chemical agent, and
only 6.5 kilograms of anthrax.
Anthrax is 100,000 times more lethal than
chemical agents.
With no advance warning
of an anthrax attack, we will have no
indication that the attack
has occurred. Anthrax has no smell, no taste, no
color, and no odor. The
aerosol cloud of anthrax will not be detected.
In order for anthrax to
be used as an effective biological warfare agent, it
must be weaponized. Optimal
delivery involves release of the agent in a
particle cloud suspended
in air (aerosol), light wind conditions and dispersion
in non-daylight hours to
minimize the dilution of the aerosol cloud and light
induced degradation of the agent.
The aerosol anthrax particles
would remain suspended in air and travel
with the wind currents for
a considerable distance. If disseminated at night
near the ground or water
surface, they can be expected to form a cloud with
the potential to remain
relatively intact for several hours while slowly moving
across the terrain or water
surface. Except for a short time in the immediate
vicinity of the release,
the aerosol will not be visible, and would be inhaled
without the victim’s
knowledge. It is this profile which makes it impossible for
our troops to assume a reactive
protective posture.
Even with appropriate data
to assess a cloud’s predicted path of
movement, it would be difficult
at best given varying weather and terrain
effects. Air stability,
temperature, relative humidity, pollutants, cloud
coverage, and precipitation
all affect biological warfare agent duration and
effectiveness. It is traditional
to expect a biological warfare attack in the early
morning and late evening
when air stability is optimal and direct sunlight is
minimal. As the agent aerosol
is transported away from the site of initial
dissemination, it is subject
to gradual dilution by dispersion, as well as to
decay resulting from the
effects of sunlight and other environmental factors.
Anthrax can be disseminated
by a wide variety of means. Missiles,
rockets, artillery, aerial
bombs, and sprayers mounted on aircraft, cars, boats,
as well as hand-held sprayers,
make effective dissemination means.
In the case of less efficient
biological warfare delivery means, such as
bulk-fill missile warheads or
artillery shells that detonate on impact, the area
of coverage for each kilogram
of agent will be reduced. Even though a
significant percentage (as
high as 95%) of the agent may not be effectively
aerosolized by bulk-fill
weapons, the resulting exposure hazard in the
immediate area of the attack
could have significant operational impact. Given
this scenario, we would
still expect an infected area of 1 square kilometer per
kilogram, and some downwind
exposure hazard for several kilometers.
Scenarios for
United States forces face
a growing possibility of exposure to biological
agents in situations over
a wide range of contingencies. At one end of the
spectrum is deliberate,
high-concentration agent exposure resulting from an
enemy missile attack on
a military facility. At the other end is lowconcentration
agent release caused by
an accident at a foreign biological
warfare research and development
facility that impacts our forces engaged in
peacekeeping operations.
The Threat
At least 10 countries have
or are developing a biological warfare
capability. Several of these
countries are suspected of developing anthrax as a
biological warfare agent.
As offensive biological warfare programs proliferate
and expand, the exposure
threat presented by some biological agents may well
become comparable to that
attributed to the endemic disease hazards (for
example, diphtheria, influenza,
and tetanus) for which our active-duty and
reserve personnel are now routinely
Iraq admitted to weaponizing
anthrax. They declared 10 Al-Husayn
Missiles, 50 R-400 bombs,
and 3 MIG-21 with spray tanks. They also
acknowledged research on
155mm artillery shells, artillery rockets, and aerosol
generators. Iraq claimed
to have destroyed these munitions, but to date UN
monitors have not been able
to verify these claims. Iraq also declared 8,500
liters (2,245 gallons) of
concentrated anthrax, as well as several other biological
warfare agents.
Al Hakam, a confirmed biological
warfare Anthrax and Botulinum toxin
production facility in Iraq,
was destroyed in 1996 by UNSCOM. Iraq had
maintained that it was a
legitimate civilian facility designed to produce singlecell
proteins and bio-pesticides.
Al Hakam’s remote location and the security
involved in its construction
suggested that it was intended to be a biological
warfare production facility
from the outset.
Experts conclude that Iraq
retains sufficient technology components,
data, and scientific expertise
to resume development and production of
biological weapons. Although
the UNSCOM inspections severely curtailed Iraqi
WMD programs, even a small
residual force of operational biological warfare
missiles would pose a serious
threat to neighboring countries and U.S. military
forces in the region.
Iran has a growing biotech
industry, significant pharmaceutical
experience, and the overall infrastructure
to support its biological warfare
program. It continues to
pursue dual-use biotech equipment and expertise
from Russian and other sources,
ostensibly for civilian reasons. Iran has had a
limited capability to employ
biological warfare agents since at least 1986.
We assess Syria is pursuing
development of a biological warfare program
and has the biotechnical
infrastructure capable of supporting limited agent
development. Syria’s
mature chemical warfare program likely is a source of
biological weaponization
Libya’s biological
warfare program most likely has not advanced beyond
the research and development
stage, although they may be capable of
producing small quantities
of biological warfare agent.
North Korea
Although little is known
on North Korea’s biological warfare program, we
suspect they are capable
of producing and weaponizing several biological
warfare agents, which include
anthrax, cholera and plague.
Former Soviet
Since the inception of the
biological warfare program prior to the Second
World War, the Soviet Ministry
of Defense systematically improved their
biological warfare weapons
characteristics and production capabilities for
anthrax. During the peak
of the cold war, the Soviet Union had the capability
to produce thousands of
tons of anthrax agent. Anthrax was considered the
‘backbone’ of the
Former Soviet Union’s offensive biological warfare program.
Biological warfare in the
Former Soviet Union has received substantial
press coverage over the
past two years, to include a book entitled Biohazard by
Dr. Ken Alibek, the Former
Soviet Union’s former Director of the premier
anthrax facility located
in Stepnogorsk, Kazahkstan. These books detail many
events surrounding the capabilities
of the Former Soviet Union with regard to
biological warfare agents,
facilities, and weaponization.
Former Soviet Union biological
warfare scientists have detailed the Soviet
research and development
of anthrax as a biological warfare agent. The 1979
Sverdlovsk anthrax accident
confirmed the Soviet Union’s production on the
bacteria, as well as the
lethality of an anthrax aerosol cloud. Even prior to this
accident, a leak from an
alleged defective reactor in the Kirov bacteriological
facility spread anthrax
into the city’s sewer system. Although no deaths were
reported, an apparent new
strain, more virulent than the original was isolated
in the sewer rats several
years later.
We also know that the research
goals of the Soviet biological warfare
program included the development
of antibiotic resistance strains, and that
this was likely accomplished
by the early 1990’s. To date, no information
corroborates development
of a vaccine-resistant strain of anthrax biological
warfare agent.
Through scientific literature
analysis, we have observed a continuing
robust Russian research,
development, and production effort on the anthrax
organism. The difficulty is determining
whether this ongoing effort at facilities
formerly associated with
anthrax biological warfare agent work, is for legitimate
purposes or a continuation
of offensive related activity.
According to Russia’s
1992 declaration of past biological warfare activity
to the Biological and Toxin
Weapons Convention (BWC), Russia admitted that
anthrax was an agent researched
at Soviet Ministry of Defense facilities and its
‘effectiveness was
evaluated’. While the declaration states that ‘only models of
biological ammunition and
spray devices were ever developed’, Dr. Alibek and
others claim that by the
mid 1980s, the Soviets had perfected delivery of
anthrax as a biological
warfare agent using a wide range of delivery systems, to
include ballistic missiles.
Although the Former Soviet
Union program has certainly been downsized
and restructured from the
era where thousands of scientists engaged in
biological warfare development,
the current status of all facilities is not known,
nor do we know the whereabouts
of former biological warfare scientists
previously engaged in offensive
China continues to maintain
an offensive biological warfare program.
They possess a sufficiently
advanced biotech infrastructure to allow
development of biological
warfare agents. Additionally, its munitions industry
is capable of weaponizing
of biological warfare agents.
Anthrax is also a potential
terrorist weapon because of its relative ease of
production. It does not require
conventional military equipment or personnel
for production or dissemination.
Aerosol generators and spray equipment
needed for dissemination
is commercially available, as are easily concealed
portable devices. These
items could be used by terrorists in attacks against
military or civilian targets.
Devices as simple as insecticide spray cans can be
used to introduce anthrax
into heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
systems. Nevertheless, terrorists
contemplating anthrax attacks face
technological challenges.
The Aum Shinrikyo sect reportedly
had anthrax, and claimed to have
attempted dissemination
of anthrax during several 1993 attacks in Tokyo using
improvised sprayers on buildings
and trucks. They had difficulties with
clogged sprayers and the
anthrax itself, but demonstrated the scientific
capability necessary to
work with anthrax as a biological warfare agent.
Currently, while some international
terrorist groups are interested in
developing the capability
to use biological agents, other than the Aum
Shinrikyo’s past incidents,
there are no confirmed indications that other
groups are specifically
developing anthrax. International terrorist group
activities have primarily
focused on chemical rather than biological materials.
In conclusion, anthrax represents
the primary biological warfare threat
to United States forces
and interests. It is the most widely adopted agent in
foreign biological warfare
programs. An attack will likely come with little to no
warning with potential catastrophic
impact. Because of this, anthrax deserves
its reputation as an effective
and deadly biological warfare agent.
Thank you again for the
opportunity to testify before this committee. I
will be pleased to respond
to any questions you may have now, or may wish to
provide later.