

I wish everyone would stop complaining about spyware! Is it really that much of a problem?....

18 posted on 08/26/2004 9:46:31 PM PDT by JoJo Gunn (Help control the Leftist population - have them spayed or neutered.©)



28 posted on 12/30/2004 7:44:04 PM PST by Happy2BMe ("Islam fears democracy worse than anything-It castrates their stranglehold at the lowest level.")

Skip to comments.

Cyber crime booms in 2004 - 100,000+ ComputerViruses in 2004
Neowin ^

Posted on 12/29/2004 7:11:33 PM PST by Happy2BMe

The last 12 months have seen a dramatic growth in almost every security threat that plague Windows PCs.

The count of known viruses broke the 100,000 barrier and the number of new viruses grew by more than 50%.

Similarly phishing attempts, in which conmen try to trick people into handing over confidential data, are recording growth rates of more than 30% and attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated.

Also on the increase are the number of networks of remotely controlled computers, called bot nets, used by malicious hackers and conmen to carry out many different cyber crimes.

Teenage kicks

One of the biggest changes of 2004 was the waning influence of the boy hackers keen to make a name by writing a fast-spreading virus, said Kevin Hogan, senior manager in Symantec's security response group.

Although teenage virus writers will still play around with malicious code, said Mr Hogan, 2004 saw a significant rise in criminal use of malicious programs.

The financial incentives were driving criminal use of technology, he said.

His comment was echoed by Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant from anti-virus firm Sophos.

Mr Cluley said: "When the commercial world gets involved, things really get nasty. Virus writers and hackers will be looking to make a tidy sum."


1) Netsky-P

2) Zafi-B

3) Sasser

4) Netsky-B

5) Netsky-D

6) Netsky-Z

7) MyDoom-A

8) Sober-I

9) Netsky-C

10) Bagle-AA

Source: Sophos

In particular, phishing attacks, which typically use fake versions of bank websites to grab login details of customers, boomed during 2004.

Web portal Lycos Europe reported a 500% increase in the number of phishing e-mail messages it was catching.

The Anti-Phishing Working group reported that the number of phishing attacks against new targets was growing at a rate of 30% or more per month.

Those who fall victim to these attacks can find that their bank account has been cleaned out or that their good name has been ruined by someone stealing their identity.

This change in the ranks of virus writers could mean the end of the mass-mailing virus which attempts to spread by tricking people into opening infected attachments on e-mail messages.

"They are not an efficient way of spreading viruses," said Mr Hogan.

"They are very noisy and they are not technically challenging."

The opening months of 2004 did see the appearance of the Netsky, Bagle and MyDoom mass mailers, but since then more surreptitious viruses, or worms, have dominated.

Remote control

Mr Hogan said worm writers were more interested in recruiting PCs to take part in "bot nets" that can be used to send out spam or to mount attacks on websites.

Screengrab of spam in e-mail inbox, BBC

About 70% of all e-mail messages are now junk mail

In September Symantec released statistics which showed that the numbers of active "bot computers" rose from 2,000 to 30,000 per day.

Thanks to these "bot nets", spam continued to be a problem in 2004. Anti-spam firms report that, in many cases, legitimate e-mail has shrunk to less than 30% of messages.

Part of the reason that these "bot nets" have become so prevalent, he said, was due to a big change in the way that many viruses were created.

In the past many viruses, such as Netsky, have been the work of an individual or group.

By contrast, said Mr Hogan, the code for viruses such as Gaobot, Spybot and Randex were commonly held and many groups work on them to produce new variants at the same time.

The result is that now there are more than 3,000 variations of the Spybot worm.

"That's unprecedented," said Mr Hogan. "What makes it difficult is that they are all co-existing with each other and do not exist in an easy to understand chronology."

Moving target

The emergence of the first proper virus for mobile phones was also seen in 2004.

Online banking login screen, BBC
Phishing attacks are becoming popular among net savvy criminals

In the past, threats to smart phones have been largely theoretical because the viruses created to cripple phones existed only in the laboratory rather than the wild.

In June, the Cabir virus was discovered that can hop from phone to phone using Bluetooth short-range radio technology.

Also released this year was the Mosquito game for Symbian phones which surreptitiously sends messages to premium rate numbers, and in November the Skulls Trojan came to light which can cripple phones.

On the positive side, Finnish security firm F-Secure said that 2004 was the best-ever year for the capture, arrest and sentencing of virus writers and criminally-minded hackers.

In total, eight virus writers were arrested and some members of the so-called 29A virus writing group were sentenced.

One high-profile arrest was that of German teenager Sven Jaschen who confessed to be behind the Netsky and Sasser virus families.

Also shut down were the Carderplanet and Shadowcrew websites that were used to trade stolen credit card numbers.

TOPICS: Extended News
100,000 divided by 365 =
1 posted on 12/29/2004 7:11:33 PM PST by Happy2BMe

To: MeekOneGOP; PhilDragoo; devolve; potlatch; F15Eagle; dennisw; SJackson; Prime Choice; Registered; ..
BOTNET - ping.


Mr Hogan said worm writers were more interested in recruiting PCs to take part in "bot nets" that can be used to send out spam or to mount attacks on websites.

2 posted on 12/29/2004 7:15:03 PM PST by Happy2BMe ("Islam fears democracy worse than anything-It castrates their stranglehold at the lowest level.")

To: Happy2BMe
2004 was the best-ever year for the capture, arrest and sentencing of virus writers

In total, eight virus writers were arrested

3 posted on 12/29/2004 7:16:58 PM PST by Izzy Dunne (Hello, I'm a TAGLINE virus. Please help me spread by copying me into YOUR tag line.)

To: Izzy Dunne

Are we impressed yet?

4 posted on 12/29/2004 7:18:53 PM PST by Happy2BMe ("Islam fears democracy worse than anything-It castrates their stranglehold at the lowest level.")

To: Happy2BMe

Everyone should sit down and write a THANK YOU letter to Bill Gates for his garbage products.

5 posted on 12/29/2004 7:19:17 PM PST by KoRn

To: Happy2BMe
I din't do it! :^O


6 posted on 12/29/2004 7:25:47 PM PST by MeekOneGOP (There is only one GOOD 'RAT: one that has been voted OUT of POWER !! Straight ticket GOP!)

To: Happy2BMe

And yet at present time there are 60 viruses that can impact Mac's, and none of them will affect OS X.

100,000 or zero, tough choice.

7 posted on 12/29/2004 7:29:57 PM PST by 1LongTimeLurker

To: KoRn
Everyone should sit down and write a THANK YOU letter to Bill Gates for his garbage products.

I did exactly that when I traded my Dell laptop for a PowerBook and my Dell PC for an iMac.

8 posted on 12/29/2004 7:30:45 PM PST by 1LongTimeLurker

To: 1LongTimeLurker
"I did exactly that when I traded my Dell laptop for a PowerBook and my Dell PC for an iMac."

I like Linux myself, but the two are related on a core level. Mac and Linux.

9 posted on 12/29/2004 7:36:12 PM PST by KoRn

To: Happy2BMe

Does anyone know the name of the virus or whatever it is that will:
Shutdown Outlook express using the MSOERES.DLL file
while denying acess to "add or remove programs"
while shutting down Windows Media Player
while stopping all downloads while
screwing up more things that I can think of right now?
If you do I'll pay good money for the answer.

10 posted on 12/29/2004 7:47:47 PM PST by WKB (3! ~ Psa. 12 8 The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men.")

To: KoRn

I see a market for someone who can take Linux to the next level. I see The Linspire people as doing a good deal towards offering alternatives, but there could be more done. I would like to make an offer. Everyone who owns a computer could send me $10. I would then take that money and create a brand new operating system with internet access for free, email client, and word processor, spreadsheet, and database capabitlities. All for the cost of a harddrive (about $200). You would recieve lifetime support, and lifetime upgrades to your software. You could also create low cost task specific systems. I.E. gaming systems, graphics systems, audio file creation systems, etc. etc. These systems could come with preinstalled software that automatically starts at boot time.

11 posted on 12/29/2004 8:00:25 PM PST by phoenix0468 (One man with courage is a majority. (Thomas Jefferson))

To: phoenix0468
The only thing stopping Linux from destroying Windows in the area of desktop home users is hardware support. The hardware support keeps getting better, but when it comes to things like digital cameras Linux won't pick them up. It's more the camera manufacturers fault them the Linux community.

As for your offer, I'll do it for $5. Send it to me! I'm not a programmer, but I'll find some in India who will put it together.
12 posted on 12/29/2004 8:08:48 PM PST by KoRn

To: Happy2BMe

A good anti-virus program as well as one that detects spyware, a firewall and strong browser security settings are at least half the battle. And don't open e-mail attachments, I did a few years back and will never make that mistake again.

13 posted on 12/29/2004 8:15:53 PM PST by Reaganwuzthebest

To: 1LongTimeLurker

None of them effect the PlayStation or Game Cube OSes either. I guess its nice to have a toy computer like a Mac.

14 posted on 12/29/2004 8:20:09 PM PST by StockAyatollah (The Mac: Silicon for Hippies)


I'll let you decide if you need the name of the virus to fix the problem.


15 posted on 12/29/2004 8:58:58 PM PST by B4Ranch (((The lack of alcohol in my coffee forces me to see reality!)))


16 posted on 12/29/2004 9:33:49 PM PST by D-fendr

To: KoRn

Everyone should sit down and write a THANK YOU letter to Bill Gates for his garbage products.

Oh stop it already, why does everyone think it's Bill Gates personal responsibility to secure their private property?At the moment I currently have 5, knock on wood virus free PCs running Windows with free readily available security software.If someone steals or vandalizes your car is it the automaker's fault?

17 posted on 12/29/2004 10:34:28 PM PST by edchambers (l)

To: KoRn

The only thing stopping Linux from destroying Windows in the area of desktop home users is hardware support.

A simpler install would be helpfull,I have the knoppix CD and it easily boots and runs from a CD but their HD install is quite another story.

18 posted on 12/29/2004 10:40:29 PM PST by edchambers (l)


I searched with google and could find no specific virus to blame. What might work in WindowsXP is to download a fresh (uncorrupted) version of this msoeres.dll from http://www.dlldump.com/download-dll-files.php/dllfiles/M/msoeres.dll/download.html and insert it in the two places where it's supposed to be----->



C:\Program Files\Outlook Express

Why not kill off all viruses in your system? Then repair Outlook Express via windows repair on your XP disc and re-installing service packs SP2 or SP1 with updates. If you have broadband you can download these service packs all at once. Download is about 130mb.SP2 is more.

In XP repair looks pretty easy and you will be updating it at the same time. As a general rule, make sure OE is updated to the max with available patches


19 posted on 12/30/2004 4:27:21 AM PST by dennisw (G_D: Against Amelek for all generations.)

To: edchambers
Oh stop it already, why does everyone think it's Bill Gates personal responsibility to secure their private property?

Actually I think XP SP2 went a little too far in the handholding. All it takes to keep the computer secure is to make use of the tools available, many of them free and a little common sense.

20 posted on 12/30/2004 7:42:18 AM PST by Reaganwuzthebest

To: phoenix0468
I see a market for someone who can take Linux to the next level.

I am running Xandros Linux (Version 2 ), and there have been some reviews of their Version 3 that claim they are nearly there....a point and click ...away I suppose you could say....

21 posted on 12/30/2004 9:50:50 AM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach (A Proud member of Free Republic ~~The New Face of the Fourth Estate since 1996.)

To: dennisw; ShadowAce
Why not just reformat and install using the original product discs.......see this:

Terminating Spyware With Extreme Prejudice~"It's like a baptism for your computer," Mr. Wagner said

22 posted on 12/30/2004 9:55:52 AM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach (A Proud member of Free Republic ~~The New Face of the Fourth Estate since 1996.)

To: Ernest_at_the_Beach

I reformatted just the other day. Once a year reformatting is not the worst idea in the world. I did it mostly because I wanted to make a clean WinXP install with SP2. Prior to that I made a CD disc from my copy of XP that has SP2 slipstreamed into it.

I used this program -SlipStreamer2Beta21- to do the slipstreaming operation. Making the new XP/SP2 CD bootable is a little tricky but not that hard. After installing my new XP/SP2 I was pleasantly surprised to find only 4 Windows updates were needed.

The major factor that keeps me away from Linux and with XP is the cleartype option

23 posted on 12/30/2004 11:09:01 AM PST by dennisw (G_D: Against Amelek for all generations.)

To: dennisw

I have the mseroes.dll file loaded on my desk top
now how do I get it in place?

24 posted on 12/30/2004 2:25:05 PM PST by WKB (3! ~ Psa. 12 8 The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men.")

To create a new System Restore Point in Windows XP Home Edition, click Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore.  When the System Restore Utility opens, click "Create a Restore Point" then click Next.  Enter a name for this Restore Point (for instance, "Before Installing Office XP"), and click Create.  The utility will then take a snapshot of your system so that you can restore to that point sometime in the future.


I have the mseroes.dll file loaded on my desk top
now how do I get it in place?

Copy and paste it into the two folders I mentioned. You will be asked to overwrite the existing mseroes.dll  files.

But before you do so, create a system restore point and make copies of the two (corrupted?) mseroes.dll files.

To easily locate these two files just do a search of your C drive for mseroes.dll

The two places/folders where mseroes.dll is supposed to be and in fact is on my computer ----->



C:\Program Files\Outlook Express

25 posted on 12/30/2004 2:50:30 PM PST by dennisw (G_D: Against Amelek for all generations.)

To: dennisw

Thanks I'll give it a shot

26 posted on 12/30/2004 2:53:17 PM PST by WKB (3! ~ Psa. 12 8 The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men.")

To: Happy2BMe

I spend a third of my time now running scans and working on my computer!!

27 posted on 12/30/2004 7:18:21 PM PST by potlatch (Always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else.)

To: potlatch


28 posted on 12/30/2004 7:44:04 PM PST by Happy2BMe ("Islam fears democracy worse than anything-It castrates their stranglehold at the lowest level.")

To: Happy2BMe

WHY??? Are you sending me email jokes??? LOL

29 posted on 12/30/2004 7:45:41 PM PST by potlatch (Always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else.)

To: potlatch

I'm sending you a nail gun for your birthday.

30 posted on 12/30/2004 7:50:20 PM PST by Happy2BMe ("Islam fears democracy worse than anything-It castrates their stranglehold at the lowest level.")

To: Happy2BMe

LOL, do I shoot them into my computer when it acts up??

I just won't tell you when my birthday is!

Hope you had a nice Christmas Happy.

31 posted on 12/30/2004 7:53:07 PM PST by potlatch (Always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else.)

To: potlatch

Just for THAT! - you've got MAIL!

32 posted on 12/30/2004 8:09:18 PM PST by Happy2BMe ("Islam fears democracy worse than anything-It castrates their stranglehold at the lowest level.")

To: Happy2BMe

LOL, that was funny. What was it on that car?? A contraption for hunting or something??

33 posted on 12/30/2004 8:17:10 PM PST by potlatch (Always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else.)

To: potlatch

(It wuz our kouch - sofer - dievan. U bornd N a burn?)

34 posted on 12/30/2004 8:36:34 PM PST by Happy2BMe ("Islam fears democracy worse than anything-It castrates their stranglehold at the lowest level.")

To: Happy2BMe; devolve

LOL better watch out, devolve is watching for 'ferners' who can't spell!! Makes me kinda scared to post!

35 posted on 12/30/2004 8:51:19 PM PST by potlatch (Always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else.)

To: potlatch
Your email has exceeded it storage capacity!

(Talk about a HEELBEEELEY!)


36 posted on 12/30/2004 9:19:01 PM PST by Happy2BMe ("Islam fears democracy worse than anything-It castrates their stranglehold at the lowest level.")

To: Happy2BMe

Darn it anyway. I saw that it was getting full, I'm always deleting things to keep it down.

Lycos took over Eudora and offers less space!

37 posted on 12/30/2004 9:28:39 PM PST by potlatch (Always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else.)

To: phoenix0468

"Everyone who owns a computer could send me $10. I would then take that money and create a brand new operating system with internet access for free, email client, and word processor, spreadsheet, and database capabitlities."

Just throw in broadband service too for that $10 and I'll be your first customer!

38 posted on 12/30/2004 9:37:26 PM PST by Cedar

To: potlatch
Don't look so sad pot . .

39 posted on 12/30/2004 9:45:11 PM PST by Happy2BMe ("Islam fears democracy worse than anything-It castrates their stranglehold at the lowest level.")

To: Happy2BMe

Oh, you dirty dog [no offence]!!! Remember that email that was sent around showing combinations of animals? I ended up deleting it all as they were so wierd looking it bothered me.

40 posted on 12/30/2004 10:03:55 PM PST by potlatch (Always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else.)

To: KoRn

As for your offer, I'll do it for $5. Send it to me! I'm not a programmer, but I'll find some in India who will put it together.


Doh!! I knew outsourcing would kill me!!

41 posted on 01/03/2005 4:07:03 PM PST by phoenix0468 (One man with courage is a majority. (Thomas Jefferson))

To: Cedar
Cedar wrote:
Just throw in broadband service too for that $10 and I'll be your first customer!

With the new Wi-Fi that will be coming out next year I might just do that.
42 posted on 01/03/2005 4:11:49 PM PST by phoenix0468 (One man with courage is a majority. (Thomas Jefferson))

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I wish everyone would stop complaining about spyware! Is it really that much of a problem?....

18 posted on 08/26/2004 9:46:31 PM PDT by JoJo Gunn (Help control the Leftist population - have them spayed or neutered.©)

Skip to comments.

Beware that WinAmp skin
Internetnews.com ^ | August 26, 2004 | Ryan Naraine

Posted on 08/26/2004 5:29:23 PM PDT by JoJo Gunn

The premier DRM conference & expo

Beware That WinAmp Skin
Ryan Naraine
August 26, 2004

The popular skinning feature in Nullsoft's WinAmp media player has left the door wide open for malicious attackers to hijack PCs.

Security researchers at K-Otik discovered the vulnerability and released details of a "Skinhead" zero-day exploit that is already spreading in the wild. The exploit, which targets WinAmp versions 3.x and 5.x, is being used to forcefully install spyware and Trojans on infected systems.

Secunia has tagged the flaw as "extremely critical," its highest rating.

WinAmp skins have a huge following because they allow users to adopt colorful, customizable and interchangeable sets of graphics that change the look and feel of the software.

According to an advisory from Secunia, the problem is caused due to insufficient restrictions on WinAmp skin zip files (.wsz). It means a malicious Web site could use a specially crafted WinAmp skin to place and execute arbitrary programs.

With Microsoft's (Quote, Chart) Internet Explorer browser, this can be done without user interaction.

Analysis of the zero-day exploit shows that attackers are using an XML document in the WinAmp skin zip file to reference a HTML document using the "browser" tag and get it to run in the "Local computer zone". "This can be exploited to run an executable program embedded in the WinAmp skin file using the "object" tag and the "codebase" attribute," Secunia explained.

The vulnerability has been confirmed on a fully patched system with WinAmp 5.04 using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Microsoft Windows XP SP1.

PivX Labs, which has also analyzed the attack vector, said that a user visiting a Web site that hosts the Skinhead exploit will have their browser redirected to a compressed WinAmp Skin file which has a WSZ file extension, but which in reality is a ZIP file.

The company said the default installation of WinAmp registers the WSZ file extension and includes an instruction to Windows and Internet Explorer to automatically open the files. It leads to the fake WinAmp skin being automatically loaded into the media player.

America Online (Quote, Chart) owns Nullsoft.

TOPICS: Computers/Internet; Music/Entertainment
Many find Winamp an alternative to Media Player, so I thought this might be of interest here.
1 posted on 08/26/2004 5:29:24 PM PDT by JoJo Gunn

To: JoJo Gunn
I made the post in Firefox, and see the ad on the right in IE6. Live and learn....
2 posted on 08/26/2004 5:33:04 PM PDT by JoJo Gunn (Help control the Leftist population - have them spayed or neutered.©)

To: ShadowAce; martin_fierro; hellinahandcart; trussell; MEG33; MeekOneGOP; petuniasevan; ...

Can y'all help me ping others? I'm sorta in the middle of a Senior Moment....

3 posted on 08/26/2004 5:43:20 PM PDT by JoJo Gunn (Help control the Leftist population - have them spayed or neutered.©)

To: JoJo Gunn; Neets; Darksheare; scott0347; timpad; KangarooJacqui; The Scourge of Yazid; ...


Those of us in the RKBA that use Winamp3.x or WinAmp 5 -5.03 listen up.
There's a security flaw in winamp's skinning system, check the article and pass the info on to anyone else you know who uses WinAmp.

Boy am I glad I kept WinAmp 2.91...

4 posted on 08/26/2004 5:49:42 PM PDT by Darksheare (The Liberals say: Join me and together we shall RUE the galaxy!)

To: Darksheare
Thanks, Darksheare. I'm having trouble remembering some of the names that frequent the tech threads, and this is enough of a general warning anyway.

I liked 2.91 for the simplicity, and even tried a couple of skins with a skinmaker. Hey, no rolling eyes from anybody.

5 posted on 08/26/2004 5:56:03 PM PDT by JoJo Gunn (Help control the Leftist population - have them spayed or neutered.©)

To: JoJo Gunn

I kept 2.91, but it's ogg vorbis decoder was screwed, so I dumped it for the ogg decoder dll from 2.81 which didn't crash my machine every time I played an ogg file.

Haven't tried my hand at skinning Winamp, the new XML format made my brain scramble after a few minutes.

6 posted on 08/26/2004 5:58:19 PM PDT by Darksheare (The Liberals say: Join me and together we shall RUE the galaxy!)

To: Darksheare

Well, I said 2.91, but I meant the last of the "2" series. I never saved anything past 2.80. There were troubles with them, though I can't remember specifics. I have 3 and 5.03 and there's no way I could do a skin for them, with all the XML you gotta learn.

What I'd used was called "Skinamp", widely scorned by the graphics elitists. (wink)


7 posted on 08/26/2004 6:35:58 PM PDT by JoJo Gunn (Help control the Leftist population - have them spayed or neutered.©)

To: JoJo Gunn

Have 2.80 installer still saved somewhere..

Haven't tried my hand at it since I fried my mind.

8 posted on 08/26/2004 6:38:54 PM PDT by Darksheare (The Liberals say: Join me and together we shall RUE the galaxy!)

To: Darksheare
I don't even know what Winamp is, so I guess I'm not using it.

{{{looks worried}}}

Should I know what this is?

9 posted on 08/26/2004 7:23:01 PM PDT by SandyInSeattle (Official RKBA Landscaper and Arborist, Duchess of Green Leafy Things)

To: SandyInSeattle

Winamp is just an alternative player/recorder, like Media Player or MusicMatch Jukebox, et al. It was a favorite for a long time, in part, because it was so easily skinned.


10 posted on 08/26/2004 7:28:55 PM PDT by JoJo Gunn (Help control the Leftist population - have them spayed or neutered.©)

To: SandyInSeattle

If you're not using it, you don't need to worry.

11 posted on 08/26/2004 7:34:23 PM PDT by Darksheare (The Liberals say: Join me and together we shall RUE the galaxy!)

To: Darksheare; JoJo Gunn

Thanks! I figured if I didn't know what it was I would be okay, but who knows these days.

12 posted on 08/26/2004 7:38:19 PM PDT by SandyInSeattle (Official RKBA Landscaper and Arborist, Duchess of Green Leafy Things)

To: SandyInSeattle

Of course, what you know could change tomorrow. Sometimes I just feel like unplugging this thing and walking away. Society has tolerated way too much for too long from those scummos, and a few fingers chopped off on the public square at high noon would be a helluva good beginning at fixing the mess.

13 posted on 08/26/2004 7:53:39 PM PDT by JoJo Gunn (Help control the Leftist population - have them spayed or neutered.©)

To: SandyInSeattle; JoJo Gunn


There's another mp3/ogg/636 player called Sonique.. but I haven't heard much from them in awhile.

JJ, remember back when some clever person played about with the id3 tags on mp3's and crashed a few machines?
Winamp(nullsoft) was quick to change how it read id3 tags.
So no-one can use id3 tags on winamp anymore for nefarious reasons.

14 posted on 08/26/2004 8:04:40 PM PDT by Darksheare (The Liberals say: Join me and together we shall RUE the galaxy!)

To: Darksheare
I admit I don't remember that. I never liked the "quality" of mp3's, so I just never kept up with that side of things.

I didn't care for the Winduhs player, and the MusicMatch bundle that came with my machine wasn't all that great, with it's unceasing "upgrade" boxes and how it dropped the master volume and .wav volume whenever you closed it. I found Winamp to be a good alternative. Still is, compared to WMP9, which wants to connect to the web to find codecs to play things that 6.4 can.

15 posted on 08/26/2004 9:05:27 PM PDT by JoJo Gunn (Help control the Leftist population - have them spayed or neutered.©)

To: JoJo Gunn

I noticed an mp3's quality depends largely on it's bitrate, the codec used to mp3 it, and the quality of the machine it was mp3'd on.
Oggs tend to lose quality in it's compression but tend to keep goo high and low end tones, it's the midrange on them that suffers.

I have a few mp3's that have a bitrate of 320 that I 'ripped' myself using Winamp 2.91 and the Lame encoder, and you can't tell the difference between them and the original CD.
At around 196 bitrate you will notice differences..
People with better ears than mine can notice a difference at 225 bitrate.

But I can hear dog whistles.

16 posted on 08/26/2004 9:13:05 PM PDT by Darksheare (The Liberals say: Join me and together we shall RUE the galaxy!)

To: Darksheare

I bet, if you haven't already seen it, that you'd like CDex.


It's a heckuva good ripper, and handles all sorts of mp3 variations, and it's a freebie, (though as always he appreciates donations).

Beware of NeoAudio, a blatant ripoff with spyware added.

17 posted on 08/26/2004 9:38:46 PM PDT by JoJo Gunn (Help control the Leftist population - have them spayed or neutered.©)

To: Darksheare
Speaking of NeoAudio, some things you just can't make up:

PeeTree gives it a thumbs up

"Great, free software!"
I wish everyone would stop complaining about spyware! Is it really that much of a problem?....

18 posted on 08/26/2004 9:46:31 PM PDT by JoJo Gunn (Help control the Leftist population - have them spayed or neutered.©)

To: JoJo Gunn

I won't have it on my computer anymore, and haven't since my last cleanup.

That and RealPlayer... O.U.T - OUT!

19 posted on 08/26/2004 11:02:35 PM PDT by KangarooJacqui (http://www.RightGoths.com - Gothic. Freaky. Conservative. Got a problem with that?)

To: SandyInSeattle

That's a NO. NO NO NO.

For tech support, see me (who will see MadIvan, LOL)

20 posted on 08/26/2004 11:05:13 PM PDT by KangarooJacqui (http://www.RightGoths.com - Gothic. Freaky. Conservative. Got a problem with that?)

To: JoJo Gunn


Wild Tangent made a few plugin games for WinAmp.. one of them being a driving game that was pretty cool.
Problem was, they stuffed it so full of spyware that it bloated it's coding way out there.
Dunno why they even bothered.

21 posted on 08/27/2004 4:46:34 AM PDT by Darksheare (The Liberals say: Join me and together we shall RUE the galaxy!)

To: JoJo Gunn

Tried Winrip, it goofed things up, slowed the machine down, and left all kinds of registry gunk behind when it was uninstalled.
It handled decoding mp3's in a craptacular fashion.
(Made them sound tinny, even the 320 bitrate ones.)

22 posted on 08/27/2004 4:48:39 AM PDT by Darksheare (The Liberals say: Join me and together we shall RUE the galaxy!)

To: KangarooJacqui
Great, worldwide tech support! I love it!

(I was afraid to ask what this was... knowing this group, it could have been something... well... you know.)

23 posted on 08/27/2004 7:51:16 AM PDT by SandyInSeattle (Official RKBA Landscaper and Arborist, Duchess of Green Leafy Things)

To: KangarooJacqui
Winamp 2.8 ain't bad, if you tell it up front you don't have an internet connection. (I'm not one to use media players on the web anyway).

Real Player is something else again. I learned the first time I tried it how devious those *******'s were, when during an install dialog box there were plenty of unchecked items, but only if you scrolled down did you see 3 or 4 boxes pre-checked giving authorization to phone home. Why wasn't that up front?

What also ticks me off is that over here PBS, (the "educational" organization that gets too much of our tax dollars), forces people to use that garbageware if they want to access anything.

24 posted on 08/27/2004 8:30:42 AM PDT by JoJo Gunn (Help control the Leftist population - have them spayed or neutered.©)

To: Darksheare
Wild Tangent comes bundled with this little HP of mine. Whenever I do a reinstall it's one of the first things to be removed. (I can't remember what the name of it is, but a driving game is one of the things in the bundle. Maybe it's the same one? It looked pretty good, but I didn't like the idea of going on-line every time I wanted to play it. And anyway, not long afterwards I discovered Mame32 and other emulators).
25 posted on 08/27/2004 8:38:07 AM PDT by JoJo Gunn (Help control the Leftist population - have them spayed or neutered.©)

To: Darksheare
I just looked up Winrip, and to me it doesn't look like much to spring 20 bucks for.

CDex doesn't record, neither is it the prettiest, but for ripping and converting it does very well.

A man who messes with audio more than casually should have Goldwave in his toolbox as well, by the way. It's a sound editor, trialware with the typical nag screens, but fully functional. My experience is with version 4.26, which is still available on the site.


26 posted on 08/27/2004 8:50:40 AM PDT by JoJo Gunn (Help control the Leftist population - have them spayed or neutered.©)

To: SandyInSeattle
"knowing this group, it could have been something... well... you know...."

And I was being so sincere.

27 posted on 08/27/2004 9:01:51 AM PDT by JoJo Gunn (Help control the Leftist population - have them spayed or neutered.©)

To: Darksheare

I use Mule Skinner 1.0. It is slow but reliable.

28 posted on 08/27/2004 9:31:31 AM PDT by Conspiracy Guy (I'm Conspiracy Guy and I approve this message. "John Kerry is a liar!")

To: JoJo Gunn

You can tell it to "GOMF" (get outta my face) in it's settings, but you have to hunt the specific preference settings down.
Like it's internet DBBA database setting..
I gutted that thing when I found it.
Also told it not to report usage stats.

29 posted on 08/27/2004 9:43:33 AM PDT by Darksheare (The Liberals say: Join me and together we shall RUE the galaxy!)

To: Conspiracy Guy

Isn't that a huge knife?

30 posted on 08/27/2004 9:43:56 AM PDT by Darksheare (The Liberals say: Join me and together we shall RUE the galaxy!)

To: Darksheare

Sharp is more important.

31 posted on 08/27/2004 10:02:32 AM PDT by Conspiracy Guy (I'm Conspiracy Guy and I approve this message. "John Kerry is a liar!")

To: Conspiracy Guy

True, true.
Sharp is important, I prefer razor edged but that's difficult to maintain under real-world situations.

32 posted on 08/27/2004 11:21:19 AM PDT by Darksheare (The Liberals say: Join me and together we shall RUE the galaxy!)

To: Darksheare

Use a flint knife. Flint doesn't dull like steel.

33 posted on 08/27/2004 1:43:33 PM PDT by Conspiracy Guy (I'm Conspiracy Guy and I approve this message. "John Kerry is a liar!")

To: Conspiracy Guy

Drat, was using obsidian.

34 posted on 08/27/2004 1:54:25 PM PDT by Darksheare (The Liberals say: Join me and together we shall RUE the galaxy!)

To: Darksheare

Flint, flint, flint.

35 posted on 08/27/2004 3:26:47 PM PDT by Conspiracy Guy (I'm Conspiracy Guy and I approve this message. "John Kerry is a liar!")

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