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New Contamination Points to Undiscovered Anthrax Letter
FOXNews.com ^ | Nov. 13, 2001 | Fox News

Posted on 11/13/2001 1:56:21 PM PST by Mitchell

WASHINGTON - Eight of 55 tests came back positive for anthrax contamination at a State Department remote mail facility in Virginia Tuesday, indicating a spore-laden letter remains to be found.

One State Department mail handler became ill with inhalation anthrax last month, a case that officials speculated resulted from cross-contamination with a letter mailed to Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle.

(Excerpt) Read more at foxnews.com ...

TOPICS: Anthrax Scare; Breaking News; News/Current Events
I searched for this story but didn't find it.

The undiscovered letter here apparently was mailed before Oct. 24, since the mail facility was closed on that date. Could this be the Oct. 12 letter hypothesized in the Anthrax-Nimda Connection article?

1 posted on 11/13/2001 1:56:21 PM PST by Mitchell

To: Mitchell; *Anthrax_Scare_List
I guess I should have put this on the Anthrax bump list.
2 posted on 11/13/2001 2:03:54 PM PST by Mitchell

To: Mitchell
No no, it's an isolated event: a bird drank from a stream, got anthrax, died in midair, got ingested by a jet engine, which exploded, completely tearing off a wing, vertical stabilizer, AND the other engine, and spreading anthrax through this mail facility. Nothing to see. Move along.
3 posted on 11/13/2001 2:24:51 PM PST by eno_

To: Mitchell

4 posted on 11/13/2001 2:31:29 PM PST by Scutter

To: eno_
Hey! That's enough!

Keep on like that, and you'll put the poor liberal media out of business...;^)

5 posted on 11/13/2001 2:32:52 PM PST by Le-Roy

To: Mitchell
FOX NEWS Alert scroll: FBI:HAZMAT team entered 2 homes in Chester PA to search. No info given as to what they hoped to find..WARRANTS ARE SEALED.......hmmm
6 posted on 11/13/2001 2:33:54 PM PST by Merovingian

To: Merovingian
Last week, some Middle Eastern looking men in SUVs and Jeeps were making the rounds of individual Pittsburgh Fire Stations, taking pictures, taking notes, and when approached by curious, (and somewhat nervous,) firemen, they took off. Their license plate numbers were turned over to the FBI. Maybe this is the result.
7 posted on 11/13/2001 2:44:33 PM PST by NixNatAVanG InDaBurgh

To: Merovingian
Warrents are sealed...."

Still going down the list of ELF and ALF members, eh?

NOW THE NEWS SAYS TURBULENCE MUST HAVE DOWNED THE PLANE! It must have tore the tail off, and the rest of the plane fell apart.
Hey, what happened to the bird, and the gas pouring out? This lie is so hard to keep up with!

8 posted on 11/13/2001 2:48:35 PM PST by concerned about politics

To: concerned about politics
Vertical Stabilizer on the tail now the focus of the investigation...No fire damage. ?Overload fatigue stress, sabotage....More tonight after they look at the flight data recorder...NO BIRDS....Maybe 'wake turbulence' from the plane that was 8 miles away....???.per Rita Cosby...
9 posted on 11/13/2001 3:11:29 PM PST by Merovingian

Comment #10 Removed by Moderator

To: Mitchell
Daschle looked pretty sick today. Anthrax could be all over the place with cross contamination. When the first case of small pox surfaces bet it will be "not related". Smallpox is a curse; horrible stuff. Msnbc did a national geographic special on this the other night. Just unbelievable.
11 posted on 11/13/2001 3:18:49 PM PST by Lady GOP

To: Mitchell
What if one bad guy on antibiotics, mailed an anthrax envelope to another bad guy on antibiotics, or even to himself. As long as the envelope wasn't lumpy or scattering visible dust, it would secretly contaminate the postal system en route and then conveniently disappear.
12 posted on 11/13/2001 3:20:52 PM PST by HiTech RedNeck

Comment #13 Removed by Moderator

To: right_to_defend
Honey if this turns out to be the case HEAD FOR THE HILLS. Stuff is absolutely horrifying, disfiguring.
14 posted on 11/13/2001 3:35:29 PM PST by Lady GOP

To: NixNatAVanG InDaBurgh
We had two guys here in Columbus doing the same thing at the AEP HQ. The bldg. houses the controls for the power grids across 11 states. If these guys have no visa issues, do they hold them anyway?
15 posted on 11/13/2001 3:35:33 PM PST by Sunshine55

To: Mitchell
Just another case of the anthrax particles contaminating mail trays. These trays are used and reused, and if the anthrax powder managed to get sucked into the corrugation tubes, it will get puffed out all over the place every time someone places mail in the tray.

So far no one in the FBI has shown enough intellect to notice that post offices move mail in trays - mail pieces are not just toted around inside one at a time - which seems to be the FBI's template of analysis.

16 posted on 11/13/2001 3:51:08 PM PST by muawiyah

To: Sunshine55
> If these guys have no visa issues, do they hold them anyway?

I don't know the answer to that. If they haven't DONE anything, they could be picked up for questioning, but unless there is reason to believe something deeper is going on, I don't think they can be held. If they had run away when approached for questioning, that could give the authorities a reason to hold them on suspicion, and perhaps a reason to ontain a search warrant.
Also last week, a non-english speaking intruder was caught inside the John Amos Power Plant in WVA. The lone security guard was an unarmed female who tried to wrestle him to the ground. He got away by boat. Have heard nothing since. Lots of stories. No resolutions.

17 posted on 11/13/2001 3:54:56 PM PST by NixNatAVanG InDaBurgh

To: NixNatAVanG InDaBurgh
The lone security guard was an unarmed female who tried to wrestle him to the ground.

Sigh. Time to get heavily into guard dogs, I think. At least they can be armed. Although the PC crowd might demand that they have their teeth pulled.

18 posted on 11/13/2001 4:43:28 PM PST by Cachelot

To: NixNatAVanG InDaBurgh
yep, I posted that story here
19 posted on 11/13/2001 5:09:21 PM PST by Sunshine55

To: HiTech RedNeck
What if one bad guy on antibiotics, mailed an anthrax envelope to another bad guy on antibiotics, or even to himself. As long as the envelope wasn't lumpy or scattering visible dust, it would secretly contaminate the postal system en route and then conveniently disappear.

Worse yet, one bad guy could rent a PO Box, mail anthrax to the box, and it could be sitting there never to be claimed.

20 posted on 11/13/2001 5:20:42 PM PST by lonestar

To: HiTech RedNeck
What if one bad guy on antibiotics, mailed an anthrax envelope to another bad guy on antibiotics, or even to himself. As long as the envelope wasn't lumpy or scattering visible dust, it would secretly contaminate the postal system en route and then conveniently disappear.

Plausible, even more than you think, from a medical standpoint... The guys could be vaccinated.

But they'd have to be mighty dumb to put their own address on an anthrax letter, on the chance it might get detected before getting back to them.

21 posted on 11/13/2001 6:05:35 PM PST by Sabertooth

To: Sabertooth
Simple scenario- Mail the letter to a fake address. It goes thru the mail and winds up in the dead(ly) letter office or whatever they do with them these days.
22 posted on 11/13/2001 8:42:57 PM PST by mfulstone

To: right_to_defend
Sometimes "wake turbulence" can literally blow pieces off jets - engines, vertical stabalizers, you name it. Happens all the time. No need to panic - go to the mall, by a new car. Don't let the terrorists win.

I'd prefer to let the truth win, thank you anyway.

23 posted on 11/13/2001 10:27:01 PM PST by unspun

To: Sabertooth
Much more likely scenario: Bad guys drop anthrax laden letter into box with a phony address and a phony return address. Pin holes in the corners or such would allow for the dispersal of the spores.

The letter(s) then go to the fake address - are returned and then sent back to the fake return address. Eventually ending up in a dead letter file in some Post Office. Very effect delivery system - hard to trace back.

These are bright and evil perps. Hope we get them soon...
24 posted on 11/16/2001 1:05:16 PM PST by Neuromancer

Comment #25 Removed by Moderator

To: muawiyah; okie01; Allan; Mitchell; genefromjersey; denydenydeny; TrebleRebel
Hate to bring up an old issue...not!

Anyone have a memory if this "fourth letter" idea panned in or out?
26 posted on 04/08/2004 5:04:04 PM PDT by Shermy (The only aid the UN would bring to Iraq are paper shredders.)

To: muawiyah
27 posted on 04/08/2004 5:05:19 PM PDT by Shermy (The only aid the UN would bring to Iraq are paper shredders.)

To: Shermy
Shermy, as recollection serves,there was another contaminated letter-but it was secondary contamination.

It wound up in Iowa (or somewhere in the midwest-sorry Iowans, I forget !)and was found in an FBI safe-all wrapped up in 2 layers of plastic.

It seems the Bureau had picked it up, had it tested by the state health dept., which found at was positive. Nobody seemed to know what in hell to do with it.so they stuck it in the evidence safe.

About 2 years later, while inventorying the safe,they came across the letter,and queried HQ;which, after some initial dithering,had it rushed to them, so they could ....(You guessed it !) put it into an evidence safe.
28 posted on 04/08/2004 5:14:21 PM PDT by genefromjersey (So little time - so many FLAMES to light !!)

To: Shermy
What happened is engineers at the Postal Service figured out that a single anthrax laden letter could express enough spores to contaminate yet other letters.

That's about the time they figured out the Brentwood facility was hopelessly contaminated!

The letter sent to the New York Post or to Tom Brokaw was never found, although they did discover "traces" it probably left behind.

So far the only good detective work done by any of the various cops involved in this investigation involved the discovery that the sealing tape wrapped around each of the discovered letters came from the same roll.

The clear implication was that the envelopes were prepared at the same time.

This discovery supports my own contention that all the letters were mailed in Florida, probably on the Friday evening before 9/11, and through the normally catastrophically poor handling USPS gives single-piece First-Class Mail being sent to a non-corporate address, all but one managed to get "delivered" several weeks late, after being processed in the wrong places!

29 posted on 04/08/2004 5:22:10 PM PDT by muawiyah

To: muawiyah
Thanks. But why the NJ postmarks?
30 posted on 04/08/2004 5:26:15 PM PDT by Shermy (The only aid the UN would bring to Iraq are paper shredders.)

To: Shermy; genefromjersey; muawiyah
If memory serves, the Leahy letter was subsequently found, and it was believed to be the source for the State Dept. contamination. There were four recovered letters: two from NYC and two from Washington. I believe they were the Brokaw letter, the NY Post letter, and the letters to Daschle and Leahy. There were at least two known unrecovered letters: the one from AMI in Florida, and the one that went to Dan Rather's office. It's possible, but uncertain if there were other unrecovered letters.
31 posted on 04/08/2004 5:35:47 PM PDT by Wolfstar (Kerry says Al-Sadr aligning with Hamas & Hezbollah is SORT OF a terrorist alignment.)

To: Shermy
Sheer accident. What happens is that South Florida is one of those places where postal equipment piles up.

Tens of thousands of trays, sacks, containers, etc. have to be shipped to places where they are needed.

The West Palm Beach facility serves as a collection point for surplus MTE (Mail Transport Equipment) going North.

The Philadelphia, Central New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania areas have a myriad of mail manufacturing companies. Much of the South Florida equipment is sent to them through the Philadelphia BMC (Bulk Mail Facility).

They then enter mail in those trays and sacks or other containers at facilities like the Hamilton Township facility.

Because the Arab Terrorists thought the USA had a really fantastic mail service, they confidently dropped the anthrax letters into local collection boxes in South Florida on the Friday or Saturday before they took off on their mission of death.

Little did they know that NOBODY mails anything in those collection boxes on Friday night, or Saturday! As a consequence, when the MVS collection route driver pulls the tray out of the bottom of the collection box and places it in the back of his vehicle, it's possible (probable) that he's not going to see one or two loose pieces of mail.

When he drops the trays on the operations platform, they will be mistaken for empty MTE, and end up being stacked, wrapped and dispatched to someplace else with the letters securely inside.

Later on, as the trays are used somewhere else, the letters would be found and get dispatched with other corporate mail directly to the 010 operation at the Hamilton Facility (where it just happened to get postmarked.) The letter that ended up at AMI could very well have been routed to NJ and then sent back to Florida.

Large companies, particularly those in the business of generating large volumes of mail, take their own mail to the post office. They don't wait around on a carrier to pick it up!

These things seem not to have been explained to the FBI during the initial stages of the investigations, or ever for that matter. They spent millions of dollars digging up mailboxes and draining lakes for no purpose whatsoever.

Their incompetence frightens me!

32 posted on 04/08/2004 5:40:05 PM PDT by muawiyah

To: Wolfstar
I may be thinking of the little kid who got anthrax. They never found that letter. The postal trays get circulated through corporate offices. If one were contaminated, it could shed spores just anywhere.
33 posted on 04/08/2004 5:44:04 PM PDT by muawiyah

To: muawiyah
A couple of quick questions:

- why do postal facilities in NJ need equipment sent from Florida, don't they have their own infrastructure of mail processing equipment in place already?

- the letters prepped in florida by the hijackers, where was that done? in their apartments? wouldn't there be traces of material collected from their apartments that would have indicated this?
34 posted on 04/08/2004 5:46:22 PM PDT by oceanview

To: oceanview
Trays, sacks and other containers run out in places where huge volumes of mail are generated for nationwide delivery.

Trays, sacks and other containers pile up in places where huge volumes of mail are received for delivery from mailers elsewhere.

New Jersey "manufactures mail". Florida "consumes mail". In a similar manner, Florida grows oranges. New Jersey eats oranges.

Empty equipment (sacks, trays, and other containers) are shipped from Florida to New Jersey on a regular basis.

Say, you aren't with the FBI are you?

35 posted on 04/08/2004 5:51:30 PM PDT by muawiyah

To: oceanview
Where were the letters filled with anthrax? So far, no one knows, but they could have done it outside. Since anthrax bacteria can be found everywhere there is dirt and decay, odds are it would be impossible to find the site.
36 posted on 04/08/2004 5:52:48 PM PDT by muawiyah

To: muawiyah
no, I am not with the FBI.

OK, so this mail processing equipment is what flows with the mail itself, I thought it was part of the permanent infrastructure - boses, post offices, etc.

they loaded the letters outdoors? sure, anything is possible I guess.
37 posted on 04/08/2004 6:00:06 PM PDT by oceanview

To: oceanview
38 posted on 04/08/2004 6:00:40 PM PDT by oceanview

To: muawiyah
You know a lot about postal matters for sure. I've read some theories about the mailing and I've always wondered whether 9/11 itself messed up the postal system, say with delays and reroutings.

As for being mailed at the same time - I'm no expert like Mr. Foster who can detect an "urdu lilt", then a "red, white and blue" tone in the letters language. But the letters were different. And the second set were written neater, and explicit about anthrax, as if the sender or senders were upset their first wave of letters didn't achieve the desired notoriety, and arguably, didn't get the letter's message across.
39 posted on 04/08/2004 6:01:32 PM PDT by Shermy (The only aid the UN would bring to Iraq are paper shredders.)

To: Shermy
Three or four guys, none of whom was all that good in English, probably could come up with slightly different but otherwise "identical" messages.
40 posted on 04/08/2004 7:44:48 PM PDT by muawiyah

To: Shermy
Anyone have a memory if this "fourth letter" idea panned in or out?

I think the contamination referenced in this report was determined later to be cross-contamination from the Leahy letter. (The letter to Sen. Leahy was a fourth letter, unknown at the time of writing of this article. The three already-discovered letters at that time were the ones to the NY Post, to Tom Brokaw, and to Sen. Daschle.)

41 posted on 04/08/2004 9:53:32 PM PDT by Mitchell

To: Wolfstar; Shermy; Allan
There were at least two known unrecovered letters: the one from AMI in Florida, and the one that went to Dan Rather's office. It's possible, but uncertain if there were other unrecovered letters.

There is also thought to have been one sent to ABC News, which is, if I remember correctly, where the baby who got cutaneous anthrax is thought to have been exposed.

There's also still a question of whether there were two letters to AMI, or just one.

42 posted on 04/08/2004 9:58:51 PM PDT by Mitchell

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New Contamination Points to Undiscovered Anthrax Letter
Tuesday, November 13, 2001
WASHINGTON — Eight of 55 tests came back positive for anthrax contamination at a State Department remote mail facility in Virginia Tuesday, indicating a spore-laden letter remains to be found.
One State Department mail handler became ill with inhalation anthrax last month, a case that officials speculated resulted from cross-contamination with a letter mailed to Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle.
Dr. Steven Ostroff, an anthrax expert at the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, said that the agency believes there's a contaminated letter yet to be found in the State Department system.
State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said the results are important because they support the theory that a letter like the one sent to Tom Daschle has moved through the mail system.
Ostroff, on a conference call with reporters, said, "We have said for quite a while that one of the potential explanations for the inhalation anthrax case in that (State Department) employee was that there was an unrecognized additional letter that went through that system."
He added, "We think that based on the bulk of the evidence that's available to us the first explanation is more likely."

Boucher told reporters that eight samples out of 55 that were collected from the agency's mail facility in Sterling, Va., tested positive for anthrax. He said two of the samples were obtained from two separate mail sorters and the six others from a third sorter.
"We are now proceeding to look at all the mail that we had held up, frozen, sealed off in mailrooms in this building, in annexes and around the world," he said.
Boucher noted that the State Department closed its mail system Oct. 24 and notified posts around the world to seal and shut down pouch mail.
The State Department informed all employees of the test results at the Sterling site in a two-page "department notice."
The notice said that as soon as the U.S. Postal Service facility in the Brentwood area of Washington was discovered to have anthrax contamination, the department shut down its domestic and overseas mail systems.
This was done because of the risk of contamination at the Sterling facility, which receives most of its mail from Brentwood. The notice also recalled that all mail handlers were placed on prophylactic antibiotics.
Except for the Sterling facility, which has been shut down, "We are not at risk by working in our buildings," the notice said.
It said that existing low level contamination does not pose any risk of inhalation anthrax. "We are cleaning all our mail rooms proactively, both domestic and overseas, to be certain that we are doing what we can to best protect our employees."
Officials have located three tainted letters nationwide, one each sent to Daschle, NBC newsman Tom Brokaw and the New York Post. They also theorize that an as-yet undiscovered letter was mailed to a Florida tabloid publishing company where two employees were stricken with the disease, one fatally.
By CDC count, 17 people have been stricken with anthrax in an outbreak of bioterrorism, 10 of the inhalation form of the disease and the balance with a less serious skin type.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.


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Workers Can't Sue Postal Officials Over Anthrax, Judge Rules
Washington Post ^ | 11/20/04 | Carol D. Leonnig

Posted on 11/20/2004 11:46:06 AM PST by TrebleRebel

A federal judge ruled yesterday that U.S. Postal Service officials had no special responsibility to alert workers at the Brentwood postal facility to deadly anthrax contamination in the building and cannot be sued by the employees.
U.S. District Judge Rosemary M. Collyer said she found ample reason to believe that the officials showed deliberate indifference to worker safety by keeping the plant operating for four days after they privately confirmed the toxic spores had spread through the facility.
Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, said, "We can't imagine that in the end that courts will sanction government supervisors lying to workers about biological toxins infecting their workplace. Let's be clear about the consequences here: People are sick to this day and some are dead, and the courts are saying 'Tough luck.' "

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonpost.com ...

TOPICS: Anthrax Scare; Front Page News; US: District of Columbia
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1 posted on 11/20/2004 11:46:07 AM PST by TrebleRebel

To: Shermy; Allan; jpl; Mitchell


2 posted on 11/20/2004 11:46:28 AM PST by TrebleRebel

To: Battle Axe; Khan Noonian Singh; John Faust


3 posted on 11/20/2004 2:17:07 PM PST by Mitchell

To: TrebleRebel

I remember when the original incident occurred. The postal unions were decrying the Postal Service's lack of concern for their safety. The Brentwood facility should have been shut down immediately.

4 posted on 11/20/2004 9:28:08 PM PST by Ciexyz (I use the term Blue Cities, not Blue States. PA is red except for Philly, Pgh & Erie.)

To: TrebleRebel; Mitchell; Allan; jpl; Battle Axe

You might find this of some interest:

Anthrax revisited - Life back to normal in Oxford despite continuing probe into woman's death

5 posted on 11/21/2004 7:43:08 PM PST by Shermy

To: Shermy

Off to check that link.

6 posted on 11/21/2004 7:44:47 PM PST by Ciexyz (I use the term Blue Cities, not Blue States. PA is red except for Philly, Pgh & Erie.)

To: TrebleRebel; apokatastasis; Shermy; Battle Axe; genefromjersey; jpl; John Faust; Alamo-Girl; ...
With a lull in the anthrax news, and with the U.S. election campaigne over, it is time for another freewheeling anthrax discussion. This is as good as any a thread to do it on.

Here is the topic:

Many of us must have noticed isolated interesting factinos in relation to the anthrax mailings that we have yet not found occasion to remark on. This thread is for these little facts, which together may add to more than the summation of the parts.

So what observations have *you* noticed that you have not posted or that may not be known widely? Never found the right thread to post it on? This is it.

Discussion on the facts posted by others? Post them too, naturaly.

Book-mark this thread and come back a few times to see what nuggets other FReepers will have posted.

I have addressed this to a large list of previous anthrax-thread participants, in hopes of pulling in many little facts. I will not do any other mass-ping on this thread. My apologies if I missed you.

Let's start things off with............

Background: The postmarking date of the anthrax letters to Senators Daschle and Leahy was Tuesday, 9 October 2001. There is no mail pickup on Sunday, nor on that Monday because of Columbus Day that year. So the letters were mailed some time between 6 October, late in the day after last pickup, and 9 October.

Observacions: Two unusual Internet postings were made at the same time. Read them. Were these posted by the anthrax mailers?

  • Posting 1: On 7 October 2001, in a Brazilian chatroom, appeared the following:
                                        Data: 7 Oct 2001 15:44:16 -0300 
                                        De: <.@..> 
                                        Grupo: uol.politica.internacional 
                                        Comecou a ser espalhado em Los Angeles 10 Kg de
                                        antrax. Estima-se 80 mil mortes nas proximas semanas
    Translating from portuguese to english:
                                        Date: 7 Oct 2001 15:44:16 -0300 
                                        From: <.@..> 
                                        Group: uol.politica.internacional 
                                        10 kilograms of anthrax have started to be spread in Los Angeles.
                                        One estimates 80,000 deaths in the coming weeks.
    The chatroom posting has disappeared into the ether, but it was documented on 8 October 2001: http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=Muslim-terrorism-1900.20011007%40news.mantra.com
  • Posting 2, even more curious: On 9 October 2001, or very late on 8 October 2001 depending on the time zone, appeared the following newsgroup post:
    From: intheknowcia@aol.com (Intheknowcia)
                                        Newsgroups: alt.prophecies.nostradamus
                                        Date: 09 Oct 2001 05:12:54 GMT
                                        Subject: USA to use Nukes against Iraq
                                        Message-ID: <20011009011254.21640.00000886@mb-bj.aol.com>
                                        Just a little inside info to let you all know
                                        that the USA plans to use Nuclear missiles
                                        against Iraq to totally destroy and burn up
                                        their supplies of Biological weapons, otherwise
                                        they fear these germs spreading across the
    Source url is http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=20011009011254.21640.00000886%40mb-bj.aol.com&output=gplain.

Someone might argue that I have just fished 2 posts out of many, selecting those that happened to be around the right date. It is true that if postings like these were a common-place, I could have looked for two from around the right date, and those 2 would then mean Zilch. Howsoever, postings like these are not a dime a dozzen. I know of nothing similar. These are the only postings of this type of which I know, and, as such, the timing of them is remarkable, as is the very early referral to a war by the U.S. on Iraq over WMD.

7 posted on 11/21/2004 10:33:06 PM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Khan Noonian Singh

I'm in !
In addition,if space gets crowded here,I have a bulletin board website ( no fees,no ads,just register)where parts of this discussion could be moved:


It's not intended to divert anything from FR,but might offer a more "private" discussion forum for anyone who is skittish.

8 posted on 11/22/2004 5:03:11 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: Khan Noonian Singh
Thanks for the ping. The anthrax story is as good as dead. I just got in a rather heated argument with some left winger over this just before the election...

I still visit The Great Satan's Blog to see what he has to say. I still, to this day, think he is pretty close with his theories.

9 posted on 11/22/2004 7:44:41 AM PST by riri

To: genefromjersey

Just to refine things a bit further, I've set aside a special forum for discussing this matter:


10 posted on 11/22/2004 8:10:07 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: riri
The anthrax story is as good as dead.

I think you're right; coverage by the so-called "mainstream media" has dried up to virtually nothing. I think by now even the most hardened press lefties realize that "Amerithrax" is a tapped-out dry well. In other words, no suspects, no forthcoming arrests, no solution, and all of us can spend the rest of our lives believing whatever we wanted to believe to begin with.

11 posted on 11/22/2004 8:36:26 AM PST by jpl (The tribe has spoken, now for goodness sake, get a life.)

To: genefromjersey; cgk; maestro

Might be a good idea to move it. Am I your skittish one??

I have hired an editor to put my scenario in a book. She will be here Dec. 13. One year and two days after I gave it to Homeland Security. He never got back to me.

So I'm in.

12 posted on 11/22/2004 8:38:40 AM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: Khan Noonian Singh
I'm re-reading Peter Lance's book 1000 years to revenge. Apparently, there were little crumbs of evidence that were never picked up early in the investigation of Nichols and McVeigh. One that I picked up last night was the mention that Nichols first wife was Lana Padilla.

See James Comey's itinerary for Jose Padilla. Also Laurie Mylroie thought that John Doe # 2 looked a great deal like Jose Padilla.

Ramzi Youseff sang like a bird about a lot of stuff that had happened, but never made a peep about the stuff that was planned for the future. KSM when they arrested him said anthrax was done by the "other guy", and you notice how hush hush it all is.

Also there needs to be a discussion of why McVeigh was executed so quickly. Bam! They got him. We will have Scotty Peterson around longer than I live....
This may appear to be off topic, but I think it is all connected.
13 posted on 11/22/2004 8:52:51 AM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: TrebleRebel
......Hmmmmmm.....The U.S. Postal 'Military' Service.....is now the 6th branch of the Military?


?......Can the Canadian 'Service'.....sue?

14 posted on 11/22/2004 8:57:58 AM PST by maestro

To: TrebleRebel

There goes career #3 for John Edwards. Guess he'll have to move to New York and become a Senator. No wait! Some so-called lawyer already did that.

15 posted on 11/22/2004 9:19:29 AM PST by OrioleFan (Republicans believe every day is July 4th, DemocRATs believe every day is April 15th. - Reagan)

To: Khan Noonian Singh

"I'm the walking dude. I can see all the world."--Anthrax

16 posted on 11/22/2004 9:22:09 AM PST by rabidralph (Arm Tibet)

To: Battle Axe
I remember wondering if there was a connection between the two Padillas, but it turns out that Padilla is a very common name. I don't know of any indication that this is anything more than a coincidentally shared last name.
17 posted on 11/22/2004 9:29:39 AM PST by Mitchell

To: Battle Axe

I'll be happy to have you aboard !

18 posted on 11/22/2004 9:30:32 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: Mitchell

Don't know what the word means, but we did have a family of Padillas in our high school. The kid was so sick he was whiter than a sheet. Chimo Padilla.

Who is the statistician here? If Padilla was 10% of the names of Hispanics, what are the chances of those two having the same last name?

Long lost relative?

Also, the hoaxes from St. Petersburg.

I've been thinking about that, and after re-reading Lance's book, I am beginning to wonder.

19 posted on 11/22/2004 10:01:37 AM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: Mitchell

Don't know what the word means, but we did have a family of Padillas in our high school. The kid was so sick he was whiter than a sheet. Chimo Padilla.

Who is the statistician here? If Padilla was 10% of the names of Hispanics, what are the chances of those two having the same last name?

Long lost relative?

Also, the hoaxes from St. Petersburg.

I've been thinking about that, and after re-reading Lance's book, I am beginning to wonder.

20 posted on 11/22/2004 10:01:58 AM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: genefromjersey; Battle Axe
<< It's not intended to divert anything from FR,but might offer a more "private" discussion forum for anyone who is skittish. >>

Thank u. Wherever people feel comfortable is good. I prefer the motto, << There's safety in numbers! >>

21 posted on 11/22/2004 10:15:14 AM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Battle Axe
<< Also there needs to be a discussion of why McVeigh was executed so quickly. >>

Same for the clearing of the Murrah building site.

Is this related? I do not know.

22 posted on 11/22/2004 10:19:36 AM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Khan Noonian Singh
I'm using flight 434 ( where a Japanese tourist was killed when a bomb exploded under his seat, but did not bring the plane down) as a model.

If we incorporate your post on the Brazilian website that there were 10 kilos of anthrax ready to send over Los Angeles, perhaps we can link a known fact.

Some time between 9-11 and October 31, 2001, there was an outbreak of anthrax that killed some 30 head of cattle around Big Sur. I have traced it down and the strain is not supposed to be the same as the mailed anthrax.

Mailed anthrax is genotype 62. The Big Sur...can't remember but we need to access Martin Hugh-Jones. The newspaper reports were delayed because the vet had never seen this before and spent some 30 days finding out what it was. The prevailing winds would not take it to L. A., but rather to Central California. But a nonetheless highly populated area, if they could get it over the mountains.

The problem all along has been the dispersal. Was this a test dispersal using a different source.

(I'm 100%Al-Quida believer...I'll just say that up front)

We did not connect the Flight 434. It looked like a stupid incident out of context, maybe even a prank. What we failed to do was look up....same deal on 9-11.....maybe here also. We need to step back and look at the larger picture.
23 posted on 11/22/2004 12:49:53 PM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: Battle Axe; genefromjersey
<< If we incorporate your post on the Brazilian website that there were 10 kilos of anthrax ready to send over Los Angeles ... >>

Clarifying here...

I do not suggest that the 10 kilogrammes of anthrax were real. The possibility - and it is only that - is that the anthrax mailers were ratchetingup the level of worry so as to increase the reaction to the few grammes they really had.

24 posted on 11/22/2004 1:48:57 PM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Khan Noonian Singh

I think the anthrax murders were a wildly successful act of terrorism,but am not sure whether they were carried out by a "foreign-oriented" group,or a domestic group willing to destabilize the US- at a time it was under attack - to forward its own agenda.(I have begun to suspect the latter possibility.)

If the group was domestic,it might not have realized its "little bit of guerrilla theater" would cause the deaths of the "workers" it claimed to protect.Having the project blow up in their faces might have discouraged any claims of "responsibility".

This sort of thing happened during the 60's and 70's.Some of the anti-war crowd bombed recruiting stations,places where draft records were kept,etc. If casualties resulted,most of these "noble" protestors got very modest about "taking credit".

One the other hand,one could argue persuasively Muslim extremists do NOT always take "credit" for their acts. Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaeda crowd denied responsibility for 9/11 ....until they realized it would boost their stature in the Arab world-after which,you couldn't shut them up !

25 posted on 11/22/2004 4:17:29 PM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: Khan Noonian Singh; genefromjersey; Battle Axe; Shermy
So what observations have *you* noticed that you have not posted or that may not be known widely? Never found the right thread to post it on? This is it.

What a fine idea for a thread...

How about the meaning of the return address on the anthrax-laced letters to Sens. Daschle & Leahy? People talked a lot about the Greendale School part and the city, but the ZIP code is key. Was the ZIP code selected first, for a hidden meaning, with the remainder of the address then chosen to flesh it out?

The ZIP code on the anthrax envelopes to the two Senators was 08852.

08-8-52. This is August 8, 1952 - or 8 August 1952, it doesn't matter which style you use, month-day-year as in the USA or day-month-year as in Europe.

What does "August 8, 1952" commemorate? I am told that it is the birthday of the CIA branch for covert activities, the date of the merger of OPC and OSO into the Directorate of Plans, under DDP Frank Wisner. William Leary's authoritative The Central Intelligence Agency: History and Documents places the creation of the Directorate in August, 1952, but doesn't spell out the August 8 date. http://www.cia.gov/csi/books/17240/art-2.html#ft2. BTW, the Directorate of Plans was later renamed the Directorate of Operations.

Is this ZIP code a numerical coincidence?

Or is the return address of the anthrax the signature or calling-card of the covert activities group of the old CIA, before it was gutted??? Or maybe a wistful harkening back to those days of glory???

26 posted on 11/22/2004 9:56:24 PM PST by John Faust

To: rabidralph
<< "I'm the walking dude. I can see all the world."--Anthrax >>

"... Twist your minds with fear, I'm the man with the power.

... Damnation is the price he'll pay, for an evil man's desire."

27 posted on 11/23/2004 1:36:42 AM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: genefromjersey
<< If the group was domestic,it might not have realized its "little bit of guerrilla theater" would cause the deaths of the "workers" it claimed to protect. >>

The 9 October letters were mailed after Bob Stevens' death. They knew they were playing with fire.

28 posted on 11/23/2004 1:40:21 AM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Khan Noonian Singh


29 posted on 11/23/2004 4:30:22 AM PST by rabidralph (Arm Tibet)

To: John Faust

John,I think it more likely they selected a zip code that would be somewhat in line with those in the general area of the make-believe school.

I also think using the school as a return address was something only an American (or person very,very familiar with Americans) would do.They would know,in our culture,children are important,and that a mail clerk would be likely to open a letter which appeared to come from school children.

In "nomadic" cultures-such as those which founded the Wahabbi (?) sect of Islam, elders are MUCH more important than children.If resources are scarce,they are more likely to be allocated to an elder than to a child.By extension,a letter received from what appeared to be children would probably be discarded-unopened,as it would likely contain a request for help or some sort.

30 posted on 11/23/2004 4:31:28 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: Khan Noonian Singh
I wonder if they can tell if the letters were addressed after they were filled?

If they were addressed well in advance of filling, and filling would have to be done in a bio-level 3 or glove box or some other confinement/containment area, then I would think that would mean something different than if they were filled and then addressed.

Nevertheless, it would take some time to fill them, and I say that they were filled and addressed long before they knew that Bob Stevens was even sick.

I think they did not think that the first batch made any impact, so they sent out the second batch. They could have deposited them as early as late on the 6th. Bob Stevens was only diagnosed on the 4th and that didn't make headlines, because Tommy Thompson said they thought he had drank out of a stream.

It was not the BIG SPLASH that the perps wanted, so they sent the second wave.
31 posted on 11/23/2004 5:45:38 AM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: Khan Noonian Singh
If the group was domestic,it might not have realized its "little bit of guerrilla theater" would cause the deaths of the "workers" it claimed to protect.

The 9 October letters were mailed after Bob Stevens' death. They knew they were playing with fire.

I agree. Furthermore, this claim that the perp/s really only wanted to scare people and not actually kill anyone has always struck me as being completely absurd. The anthrax in those letters was the deadliest stuff the top experts had ever seen before. Whoever prepared this stuff absolutely HAD to know that it would almost certainly kill anyone who got into close enough proximity of it.

32 posted on 11/23/2004 10:34:29 AM PST by jpl (The tribe has spoken, now for goodness sake, get a life.)

To: jpl; Battle Axe; genefromjersey
The mailers did not desire to cause mass casualties since they could so easily have done that. They did not care if they killed some people tho, may have wanted to kill a few for the terror.

There is no doubt that they knew that they had killed Bob Stevens before mailing the 9 October letters. A reference to Stevens' death dated 5 October: http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=3BBE2232.89CC8E1F%40sympatico.ca&output=gplain. This is a reply to an earlier article which, curiosely, was posted anonymously - by "R." - and marked with the x-no-archive tag to request that it be not saved by search engines. Why the superanonymity? Who was this "R."? May-be one of the mailers, just possibly? Doesn't really matter.

The earliest the letters postmarked 9 October could have been mailed was late in the day on 6 October. By the time of mailing, the mailers had known for at least a day that Stevens had died.

I agree with Battle Axe that the envelopes were probably addressed before being filled. Common-sense says that people don't take chances with anthrax-filled envelopes. There is no way to tell how long before mailing were they filled. It doesn't matter for the conclusion tho - they proceeded with the Daschle-Leahy mailing even after they knew that Stevens had died.

33 posted on 11/23/2004 11:18:02 AM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Khan Noonian Singh
The mailers did not desire to cause mass casualties since they could so easily have done that. They did not care if they killed some people tho, may have wanted to kill a few for the terror.

I agree. I've always personally believed that at least part of the goal of the anthrax was to try to deter or delay our retaliatory military response to 9/11. A mass anthrax attack killing a large number of people right on the heels of 9/11 would have put American support for an immediate, overwhelming military response at around 90-95% instead of just the 70-80% percent that it was.

I think they probably wanted to try to demonstrate the capability and means with which to kill number of people if they wanted to without actually doing so, which would have been the ultimate provocation. They didn't particularly care who actually died as a result though.

34 posted on 11/23/2004 11:27:38 AM PST by jpl (The tribe has spoken, now for goodness sake, get a life.)

To: jpl
How would AQ be able to predict the response of Americans to 9-11 other than 100% retaliation?
35 posted on 11/23/2004 12:00:09 PM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: Khan Noonian Singh
It's possible the mailers said (of Stevens' murder): "That ought to get their attention !"

As has been remarked-endlessly-no group ever stepped forward to claim "credit",and assorted AQ insiders have declined to do so.

I have a vague notion-which I can't begin to substantiate-of a small group,operating along the lines of the old Weather Underground: co-opting-let's say-an intern at one of our own labs into smuggling out a small vial of weapons-grade material and leaving a substitute vial in its place.

The group need not have been Muslim-or even have known which direction Mecca lies in.

36 posted on 11/23/2004 12:32:59 PM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: genefromjersey; jpl; Battle Axe
<< It's possible the mailers said (of Stevens' murder): "That ought to get their attention !" >>

Looks like they were waiting for media reports of the Florida attack before mailing the letters to the Senators. The letters to Leahy & Daschle were mailed as soon as practical after the 5 October news reports of Stevens' death.

Whosoever did them, the anthrax mailings were a two-phase covert op. Phase One: AMI, also New York Post, NBC, CBS, ABC. Phase Two: Leahy and Daschle.

Phase One in a 2-stage op is a set-up phase, and AMI was crucial in that set-up. It put people in a certain frame-of-mind desired by the mailers.

The mailers waited for that frame-of-mind to be established before launching Phase Two. Their aim: the weaponised anthrax of Phase Two was to be interpreted in the context construited by Phase One.

37 posted on 11/24/2004 12:50:51 AM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Khan Noonian Singh
This brings up an interesting question: Did the mailers know in advance about 9/11 -and launch this attack as part of a second strike.....OR Did the mailers have anthrax (stolen from a US lab ??) on hand at the time of 9/11,and decide to take advantage of 9/11: further disguising their true motivation* by incorporating "Islamic-sounding" letters ?

*Some possible motives: Punishment of the administration for refusal to sign a BW limitation agreement;destabilization of the administration for political reasons,etc.,etc.

38 posted on 11/24/2004 12:47:26 PM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: genefromjersey
I agree with your comments on why a school return address was chosen, but why did they select that city and ZIP code?

I propose that the ZIP code was chosen first, to represent the date of founding of the Directorate of Plans, and then the city was chosen, probably from a map, as being in about the right area.

The alternative hypothesis is that the city was chosen first, but then one has to ask two questions: Why Franklin Park? And why the incorrect ZIP code? It's a lot harder to see how they would have gotten an incorrect ZIP code for a city than to see how they might have gotten an incorrect city near a ZIP code.

39 posted on 11/24/2004 6:51:42 PM PST by John Faust

To: genefromjersey
What motivation would a far-left group like the Weather Underground have for mailing anthrax?

Why would they have picked Leahy and Daschle as recipients?

Why would they have tried to blame Islamics?

I can't put together any plausible scenario for this.

40 posted on 11/24/2004 6:56:25 PM PST by John Faust

To: Khan Noonian Singh
Phase One in a 2-stage op is a set-up phase, and AMI was crucial in that set-up. It put people in a certain frame-of-mind desired by the mailers.

Is this just a general comment or are you thinking of something specific? What frame of mind do you mean?

41 posted on 11/24/2004 6:58:34 PM PST by John Faust

To: John Faust

There was enormous indignation by groups,such as the Federation of American Scientists,when the Bush administration declined to become a signatory to the most recent "bioweapons" treaty.(It would have banned ANY research in this area-including defensive research.Other countries-notably Russia-had developed huge stockpiles of nasty stuff-despite being signatories to the first ban.)

Most of the FAS people are sincere-if somewhat leftist-but there are a few genuine extremists in the organization: a few of whom might have assisted a small group of students and other young people in setting up and carrying out a "misguided" plot to call attention to their cause.

The organizers would be people with "academic credentials"-who might view something as horrible as 9/11 as perfect cover for their plot.(They could never afford to have their names linked to the anthrax attack !)

42 posted on 11/25/2004 5:09:34 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: John Faust

The answer might be as you suggested-or it might be simpler;
eg:the mailers lived in that general area,drove by that specific post office daily,and copied the zip number down-being careful not to use their OWN zip code.

The whole thing, I believe,is to rule NOTHING out.We might believe an idea is too irrational to be possible,but another person,from another belief system,might find it perfectly logical.

(I can recall,while doing a pre-sentence report,asking a man why he had hit a nice old lady over the head with a rock while robbing her." Well",he said,shamefacedly."Truth is I forgot to bring my gun.")

43 posted on 11/25/2004 5:49:52 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: Khan Noonian Singh; genefromjersey; John Faust; Battle Axe; Allan; Shermy; TrebleRebel
So what observations have *you* noticed that you have not posted or that may not be known widely?

Here's something I noticed.

Khan, in a posting of yours in July, 2004, you made the claim that there was an "ineffective anthrax attack at end of February of 2003." You then elaborated, as follows:

"Has been dubbed weaponised or semiweaponised.
Was thought to have encompassed both a letter campaign with threatening messages and an outdoor delivery trial.
Best estimate of date is 24 Feb 2003."
[Boldface added.]
Links: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1165194/posts?page=112#112 and http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1165194/posts?page=145#145

What I noticed was that the same date (Feb. 24, 2003) had occurred in an earlier FR discussion about the possible connection between the anthrax mailings and Internet worms/viruses. [I have placed all the instances of the date Feb. 24, 2003, in this posting in boldface, to make it easy to spot them.]

Before proceeding, a bit on the Nimda worm: It is known that the destructive Nimda worm was released on Sept. 18, 2001, exactly one week after the 9/11 attack (one week to the minute, as closely as one can tell). The destructiveness of this worm on the heels of 9/11 was sufficient that John Ashcroft made a televised statement on Sept. 18 that the worm was not known to be terrorist-related. Something no one knew on that date was that Sept. 18, 2001, was also the postmark date of the anthrax mailings to NBC News and the NY Post. In addition, a variant called Nimda.B was released some time between Oct. 5 and 9, 2001, matching the mailing date of the second set of anthrax letters. (Neither Nimda.B nor the second set of anthrax letters can be dated precisely.) This was observed in early November, 2001, but to this date it is not known whether Nimda and the anthrax mailings were really connected or whether it was a coincidence. (It's perhaps worthy of comment that both the Nimda and anthrax attacks involved putting a destructive payload in mail, whether e-mail or postal mail.)

Fast-forward two years, to late Dec., 2003. Frequent FR reincarnatee Van der Waals, who had expressed interest in the Nimda theory, noted that the Swen computer worm had been released on Sept. 18, 2003, and that a variant of Swen had been released on Oct. 9, 2003. These are the anniversaries of the two known anthrax mailings. The HTML used by the worm makes use of the code word "bacillus". Here's the link to this posting of Van der Waals: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1042297/posts?page=37#37.

I replied to Van der Waals, in http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1042297/posts?page=40#40. Here's part of what I wrote at the time (Dec. 20, 2003):

... note that the worm called Swen is apparently the latest incarnation of the earlier Gibe worm, so 9/18/2003 and 10/9/2003 are just the latest two dates in a longer series of release dates.

So, here are three possibilities regarding Swen:

  • Possibility 1. The dates are just a coincidence. If you look, you can find many things that happened on Sept. 18, and some that happened on both Sept. 18 and Oct. 9 in some year.
  • Possibility 2. Someone who had nothing to do with the anthrax mailings intentionally picked the anniversary dates, just because he thought it would be a cool thing to do.
  • Possibility 3. Someone who had something to do with the anthrax mailings picked those dates on purpose. But why would he do that? Two possible reasons:
    • Possibility 3(a). Disinformation. This presupposes that the Nimda theory is false; the purpose of Swen would then be to divert resources into investigation of a (false) Nimda connection to the anthrax mailings.
    • Possibility 3(b). To draw attention to the earlier release dates of Gibe/Swen:
      • Mar. 4, 2002
      • Feb. 24, 2003
        (There were also minor follow-up variants released on Mar. 16, 2003, and Mar. 24, 2003.)
      Why draw attention to these earlier dates? I don't know, but that attention to the earlier Gibe-worm release dates is a predictable consequence of the later Swen releases on the anthrax anniversary dates. In this theory 3(b), it's as if someone is saying: "Look at the release dates!"
My guess is that it's just a coincidence - Possibility 1.
As you can see, the Feb. 24, 2003, release date of Gibe coincides with Khan Noonian Singh's purported "ineffective anthrax attack." Possibility 3(b) specifically pointed out the date Feb. 24, 2003, as a date of interest.
44 posted on 11/26/2004 12:18:00 AM PST by Mitchell

To: genefromjersey
Most of the FAS people are sincere-if somewhat leftist-but there are a few genuine extremists in the organization

I have some questions on this theory:

1. Why would they have sent anthrax to Leahy and Daschle? Leahy especially is one of the best friends such people have in the US government.

2. How would someone like that have had the connections to obtain weaponized anthrax from clandestine military sources or clandestine intelligence sources?

3. Wouldn't a bioterror attack be expected to result in a resumption or resurgence of biological warfare research, and isn't this the precise opposite of what these people wanted to achieve?

45 posted on 11/26/2004 1:35:34 AM PST by John Faust

To: Mitchell

Mitch,there WERE a few other things that match the September and October dates: On Sept.17 (as I recall) Pres. Bush publicly identified Osama as the "author" of 9/11;and on October 18 (again,as I recall)we began bombardment of AQ and Taliban in Afghanistan.

In Princeton, NJ-not far from where the second batch of letters was mailed,there were 2 large student demonstrations going on: one pro-war;the other anti-war.
Both demonstrations "collapsed" when word of the Afghanistan response was received.(Both factions had been on tenterhooks because the media had been speculating on the date for quite a while.)

I can picture someone at one of the demonstrations (the "Anti",seems more likely to me)hurrying away to a storage spot,retrieving a carefully wrapped package,and walking it to the mailbox,in direct reaction to the news.

46 posted on 11/26/2004 4:39:19 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: John Faust
To try to answer a few parts of your questions:

1.Connections in our biolabs:Security was NOT great.There may have been student interns-almost completely "un-vetted"-with far more access than desirable.There were labor problems at all of our bio and atomic labs,and "gray collar" technicians sometimes engaged in enormously risky "demonstrations".Security people sometimes engaged in thefts.(GAO publicized quite a few of them,but probably revealed only the tip of the iceberg.)

2. Why Leahy and Daschle ? IF this was a "far-left" protest,the plotters may have been fairly sure neither man would actually be EXPOSED to the anthrax letters.The September mailings had put the nation on notice,and special precautions-meager as they might have been-were being taken. Daschle and Leahy would (and I'm sure did) perceive the letters as some sort of right-wing plot.

Overly complicated? Perhaps;but,since we really know very little-beyond what has been published,we should rule almost nothing out.

47 posted on 11/26/2004 4:56:38 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

Comment #48 Removed by Moderator

To: genefromjersey
I can picture someone at one of the demonstrations (the "Anti",seems more likely to me)hurrying away to a storage spot,retrieving a carefully wrapped package,and walking it to the mailbox,in direct reaction to the news.

I don't believe it was something as casual as that. The weaponized anthrax could have caused very large numbers of casualties, if it had been delivered differently. The use of what is clearly a WMD would have been planned out in advance.

Any theory must explain the motivation of the mailers -- what is the motive that would cause them, on the one hand, to use the anthrax but, on the other hand, to use it in a way that would minimize its military effectiveness?

And what is the motivation for mailing two very liberal Senators?

49 posted on 11/27/2004 1:02:25 AM PST by Mitchell

To: genefromjersey
1.Connections in our biolabs:Security was NOT great.

It's true that security wasn't great. But for a far-left group to arrange for the theft of professionally prepared material whose very existence was being kept secret is difficult to believe. It's easier to believe that someone could have obtained Ames anthrax prior to weaponization, but then one has to believe that your hypothetical left-wing group has laboratory facilities both for inventing and for carrying out the weaponization process, in an entirely clandestine fashion. That's quite difficult to believe.

2. Why Leahy and Daschle ? IF this was a "far-left" protest,the plotters may have been fairly sure neither man would actually be EXPOSED to the anthrax letters.The September mailings had put the nation on notice,and special precautions-meager as they might have been-were being taken. Daschle and Leahy would (and I'm sure did) perceive the letters as some sort of right-wing plot.

Why attack even the staff of two of the government officials most friendly to you?

If the purpose was to convince people that it was a right-wing plot, why did they try so hard to convince people that it was an Islamic plot?

There's also my third question, which you didn't answer:

"Wouldn't a bioterror attack be expected to result in a resumption or resurgence of biological warfare research, and isn't this the precise opposite of what these people wanted to achieve?"

What did your hypothetical perps want to achieve that they thought they could achieve through the anthrax mailings?

I think Occam's razor suggests that something else is the right answer. Everything in this theory seems strained - no offense intended, I agree with you that we should consider all sorts of possibilities, I just don't think this one works on close inspection.

50 posted on 11/27/2004 1:21:57 AM PST by John Faust

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Workers Can't Sue Postal Officials Over Anthrax, Judge Rules
Washington Post ^ | 11/20/04 | Carol D. Leonnig

Posted on 11/20/2004 11:46:06 AM PST by TrebleRebel

click here to read article

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To: genefromjersey
<< I have a vague notion-which I can't begin to substantiate-of a small group,operating along the lines of the old Weather Underground. >>

A small group along the lines of Iran-Contra or Nugan-Hand or any # of covert activities alignes better with the pattern we see. Eyes open for for means, motive and opportunity. Also for past engagement in covert ops.

<< The group need not have been Muslim-or even have known which direction Mecca lies in. >>

I concur.

51 posted on 11/27/2004 1:36:52 AM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: John Faust; genefromjersey; Battle Axe
KNS - "Phase One in a 2-stage op is a set-up phase, and AMI was crucial in that set-up. It put people in a certain frame-of-mind desired by the mailers."

JF - << Is this just a general comment or are you thinking of something specific? What frame of mind do you mean? >>

The comment about 2-stage covert ops is true ingeneral, but I had something specific in mind.

Phase One in the anthrax mailings was meant to get people in a frame-of-mind to connect the anthrax mailings with Muslim terrorism and specifically with 09-11.

For a start, the letters were dated 09-11-01, and they said "Death to America. Death to Israel. Allah is Great."

The mailers realized that this was not enouf: people could say that the Muslim connection was a ruse. That's where the AMI attack in Boca Raton came into play. It established a geographically incontrovertible nexus of connexion between the anthrax and the 09-11 highjackers. This was convincing in a way that phrases written in the letters could not be, since it would have been much harder for a casually opportunistic piggybacker to find out that Boca Raton was where to go and then to go there so quickly after 09-11. Howsoever, this is preciisely what happened; that just proves that it wasn't a casual piggybacker.

Bob Stevens' death has kept the anthrax/09-11 connexion in play. That was the purpose of the Phase-One attack on AMI.

52 posted on 11/27/2004 2:00:08 AM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Nes Tona

Just for the record, the "Camel Club Connection" was,from what I've been able to determine,more smoke than fire-although certain of the west coast left-stremists ,such as MEcha circulated hundreds of articles on the internet suggesting otherwise.

Col. Zack and his "camel commando" were brought to account-by the FBI, and by the courts,and wound up apologizing publicly for their conduct-though you WON'T see that on any of the web news sites.They were also cleared of anything but "inappropriate conduct" - (there was apparently a bit of "ye olde slap and tickle" involved in the mysterious lab visits.)

It's also interesting the real author of this disinformation campaign had not done his/her homework particularly well.The author made much of the word "antrax",concluding whoever wrote it could not spell-and might,therefor have been the person who mis-spelled "penicyllin" in the anthrax letters.The fact is, anthrax is spelled ANTRAX in a wide variety of languages-including most of the "Germanic" tongues.

53 posted on 11/27/2004 4:49:06 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: John Faust

John, picture this scenario: a young dedicated female intern
who has been gulled into thinking she's doing the right thing,scouts out the location of some (supposedly not-there)vials of LIVE anthrax,pulls one vial,and substitutes an identical-looking vial of harmless simulant.

She hides the vial long enough for it to warm up to room temperature,then smuggles it out-under a sanitary pad - a method long used by cocaine smugglers by the way.

There is no need for a lab.All that is needed is a proper glove box-which can be bought or built.

54 posted on 11/27/2004 5:55:26 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

Comment #55 Removed by Moderator

To: Nes Tona

I loooked at that "Israeli connection" a LONG time ago,and in some detail.Some of the "documentation" is pure Arab propaganda,and some of the conclusions are (to me) inane.
I say this a non-Jew,who knows Israel and the US sometimes have conflicting interests-and are occasionally "at swords point".

For example,the notion that "Zionists" would want a war in which Israel would be the target or choice for Iraqi rocket attacks-this time with chemical and/or bio weapons does not make sense - especially when Iraq's close allies, Syria and Egypt have similar WMD programs,and would be strongly tempted to "jump in".

I have also read these reports about Israeli agents circulating about our country,prior to 9/11.I'm sure there were-and still are some-just as there are agents for a number of countries:some "friendly";some hostile.The people who originate these reports often seem to be people who want us to believe 9/11 was a covert Israeli operation-a notion Osama bin Laden and his merry men would find a bit breath-taking.

Do you ever wonder why some people want you to believe this stuff ?

56 posted on 11/27/2004 9:36:37 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

Comment #57 Removed by Moderator

To: Nes Tona
I assume you have some basis for the belief Mossad "knew of the 9/11 plot months in advance and let it happen "- beyond an article based,in part,on leftist and Arab disinformation ?

There are people who want the anthrax murders to be part of something they can relate to: whether it be an al-Qaeda plot,an Iraqi plot,a Russian plot,an Israeli plot,a domestic right/left wing (your choice) plot,etc.,etc.

The problem with wanting a certain outcome is that it taints the inquiry-often beyond redemption.Let me give you an example.

One of the last pieces of information FBI traitor Robert Hanssen "fetched" at the request of his Russian paymasters was the government's "Doomsday" scenario-which asked the question : "What would happen if there were a decapitating strike on the US government ?"

At the time this request was made,Russia was no longer communist. The KGB had morphed,seamlessly,into the FSB.The Cold War was officially over.Why did the Russians want this information?

Did the Russians-still smarting from Afghanistan,and from a number of "dirty tricks" our CIA had played on them-forward the information to one of their numerous contacts ? Did they supply the anthrax murderers with a vial or so of their own anthrax ? (Ken Alibek,former head of the Vektor Labs in Siberia has told western reporters Vektor had Ames - strain anthrax, and made their weapons grade anthrax by a process identical to that developed at Ft. Detrick - whose security they had long since penetrated.)

58 posted on 11/27/2004 3:48:32 PM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

Comment #59 Removed by Moderator

Comment #60 Removed by Moderator

To: genefromjersey
Yes, it is always possible for security to be compromised.

But if the goal was to get people to blame the far right, why would they go to such trouble to pin the blame on Islamic extremists?

And if the goal was to stop research into biological warfare, this would have had the opposite effect.

There is no need for a lab.All that is needed is a proper glove box-which can be bought or built.

It is not as simple as that.

Either your hypothetical hippie perps obtained already-weaponized anthrax from their US government source, or else they obtained stock spores - virulent Ames but not yet weaponized.

A left-winger without deep military or CIA connections would not have been able to obtain already-weaponized material, whose existence to this day has not even been acknowledged. I'm not sure a simple glovebox would have sufficed for placing the material in the envelopes, but I suppose they could have obtained brief access to a containment facility. It's obtaining the material in the first place that's the sticking point in this case.

If they instead obtained unweaponized spores, which is a more reasonable possibility, then they would have been faced with the formidable task of developing a weaponization protocol and then weaponizing the purloined spores. This requires a series of experiments over a period of time in an advanced lab facility. It is not credible that this could have been done secretly in the U.S. by some group of far-left-wing rebels.

61 posted on 11/27/2004 10:54:15 PM PST by John Faust

Comment #62 Removed by Moderator

To: John Faust

THAT I can agree to !
Worth noting: There has been some suggestion the material used to "float" the spores was a substance called "nanoglass",and that the anthrax was prepared in a spray dryer.

I've also read(somewhere or other)a PROPERLY made w/g anthrax would be almost impossible to package,because it would float right out of anything it was placed in (except a covered vial).

Descriptions of what was mailed suggest a combination of w/g anthrax and almost-dry anthrax slurry may have been used.

One of our posters,who used to use the name "Van der Waals" here knew something about nanoglass,but got himself barred because of a dispute with some of the other posters.

63 posted on 11/28/2004 3:35:59 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: Nes Tona

If there were Israelis bugging the DEA - and there might well have been - what do you suppose the reason was ?
Could it be Israel is one of the primary sources ( Holland is the other) of a popular "rave" drug ?

Nah ! Too simple an answer.

64 posted on 11/28/2004 4:09:36 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: Nes Tona

So saith Alan Simpson-who apparently describes himself as a "former British Intelligence Officer" ,and who maintains an anti-Bush website. Mr. Simpson seems lavish with praise-for himself-which I imagine is just about required if one rents office space in Washington.

Looking at his website, I see nothing that could not have been gleaned from a ten minute review of the local newspapers-and absolutely nothing that would qualify him to comment on the anthrax murders.

65 posted on 11/28/2004 5:12:03 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

Comment #66 Removed by Moderator

Comment #67 Removed by Moderator

To: Nes Tona

Go to : http://www.comlinks.com to get a good look at Mr. Simpson.

What this seems to be coming down to is belief systems.You believe one way;I another.

68 posted on 11/28/2004 6:58:55 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

Comment #69 Removed by Moderator

To: Nes Tona; genefromjersey; Khan Noonian Singh; Battle Axe
The weaponized anthrax (the Senate anthrax) had to have came from an advance bio-weapons lab and no where else.

That is why I said that either the weaponized anthrax was purloined in weaponized form or else the perps would have needed an advanced lab and some kind of official umbrella shielding them.

The Justice Department made-up the domestic terrorist theroy in order to buy time.

This does not rule out a domestic theory. It only rules out the "mad scientist weaponizes anthrax in his bathtub" theory. There are other domestic options.

70 posted on 11/28/2004 10:31:30 AM PST by John Faust

Comment #71 Removed by Moderator

To: Nes Tona

Nes, we (again) have different belief systems.If you wish to believe in a pro-Israeli cabal running the government-fine. It is, I suppose,marginally better than discussions of "mud people" or "militia management",or why risk-averse bureaucrats in the CIA (and the FBI)should be venerated for their failures.

Simpson thinks Richard Clarke was a great man,and, I'm sure,will be helpful in landing him something "worthwhile"-ie: funded by Wahabbi oil money.

72 posted on 11/28/2004 11:46:24 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: John Faust

John, I certainly agree. There was-in spite of crude spelling and the suggestion of a decade-behind-the-times medicine-a certain level of sophistication involved.

73 posted on 11/28/2004 11:50:32 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

Comment #74 Removed by Moderator

To: Nes Tona
Nes, why don't you break the news to the mainstream media ?
75 posted on 11/28/2004 1:11:30 PM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: genefromjersey
Come to think of it, Nes,those Zionists control the media,don't they ?

This sounds like a job for the Waffenfabrik SS -or, perhaps, the Geheim Staats Polizei .

76 posted on 11/28/2004 3:35:55 PM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: John Faust
"That is why I said that either the weaponized anthrax was purloined in weaponized form or else the perps would have needed an advanced lab and some kind of official umbrella shielding them."

Perhaps we are looking at this with the wrong colored glasses.

What if AQ cells stole it here in the USA, then didn't know how to get the correct formula to weaponize it. One could buy the equipment (remember the spray dryer delivered to a New Jersey address then it disappeared), but it is the expertise.

Now everyone assumes that the thieves took their sample to the large, expensive weaponization lab. What if one of the experts, one of the people who knew how to do it, came to the sample, where ever it was then.

I would look at the airline records for people who have been known to work with this coming into the US about 1998/9.
77 posted on 11/28/2004 3:38:08 PM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: Nes Tona
Of course some have hinted at the possibility of a secret bio-weapons program run by the CIA or military. I find this quite improbable that persons within our government would launch an attack against our own people. It's like saying our government blew up the twin towers and the Pentagon.

Especially when you consider that any "secret bioweapons program" in our government involving more than a couple of people or so would be pretty much impossible to keep secret for very long. People who've been paying attention recently may have noticed that our bureaucracy has more leaks than the Titanic. We can't even fight a war anymore without all of the details being spilled out to the press.

78 posted on 11/29/2004 7:51:19 AM PST by jpl (The tribe has spoken, now for goodness sake, get a life.)

To: Nes Tona; genefromjersey; jpl; Khan Noonian Singh
911 was never a covert Israeli operation. AQ did it. The Israeli Mossad learned of the plot months in advance and let it happen.

If you are going to consider this option, why not consider that AQ might have been tricked into doing it as part of a false-flag operation? Both possibilities seem equally (un)likely.

79 posted on 11/29/2004 3:29:08 PM PST by John Faust

To: jpl; Nes Tona; Khan Noonian Singh; genefromjersey; Battle Axe
Especially when you consider that any "secret bioweapons program" in our government involving more than a couple of people or so would be pretty much impossible to keep secret for very long. People who've been paying attention recently may have noticed that our bureaucracy has more leaks than the Titanic. We can't even fight a war anymore without all of the details being spilled out to the press.

It has spilled out to the press, has it not? And to the New York Times even, I don't mean the Mad Cow Morning News.

80 posted on 11/29/2004 3:33:41 PM PST by John Faust

To: John Faust

And, as you've probably heard, the US District Court ruled out a lawsuit by Hatfill v the NY Times : noting the Times did not report anything on Hatfill until he came forward and identified himself as the "person of interest" the FBI was investigating.

81 posted on 11/29/2004 4:37:01 PM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

Comment #82 Removed by Moderator

To: genefromjersey; John Faust; Nes Tona; jpl
genefromjersey, replying to John Faust: << And, as you've probably heard, the US District Court ruled out a lawsuit by Hatfill v the NY Times : noting the Times did not report anything on Hatfill until he came forward and identified himself as the "person of interest" the FBI was investigating. >>

Faust, when you said that leaks had spilled out to the New York Times, you didn't really mean Kristof falling for the Hatfill bait, did you? I was thinking of something else when I read your post.

83 posted on 11/29/2004 9:41:13 PM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: John Faust; Nes Tona; jpl; genefromjersey
<< If you are going to consider this option, why not consider that AQ might have been tricked into doing it as part of a false-flag operation? >>

Here is a post that caught my eye in a search, read final paragraf with emphassis added.....

To: CyberAnt; Wordsmith; The Great Satan

Missile delivery systems are irrelvant, with the exception of perhaps attacks on Israel - but even then unlikley since Israel will follow the trajectory of the missile to its origin and reply with a nuclear bomb.

Ballistic missiles went out with hijacking planes and taking them to Cuba.

This is the new world of plausible deniability - and Saddam was the person who brought us into this new world.

False flag operations carried out by willing suicidal jihadists (where even the jihadist grunts themselves are unaware who's really sponsoring them) are what we have to deal with - and when these guys have anthrax in their hands it's the most frightening thing the world has ever faced. There is no deterrent.

21 posted on 01/30/2003 4:19 PM EST by Badabing Badaboom
Cached from http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/832842/posts

84 posted on 11/29/2004 10:13:38 PM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Khan Noonian Singh; genefromjersey; jpl; Nes Tona
You're right, Khan, I was not thinking of Hatfill's belabored appearance in the Times.

The New York Times article that came to mind was the Sep-4-2001 report by Judith Miller, Stephen Engelberg and Wm J Broad, U.S. Germ Warfare Research Pushes Treaty Limits.

A thought-provoking article which has received just scant attention.

If you haven't seen it, here's a link. http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/strategy/germs.htm

85 posted on 11/30/2004 2:15:00 AM PST by John Faust

To: John Faust

There is another report Ms Miller did not mention: an experiment in mail contamination performed in Canada under the auspices of both governments. Simulant was placed in test letters,and it was found the simulant would leak through the pores of the envelopes-no matter how carefully they were taped.The projected result was extremely serious-just as the real thing turned out to be.

One of the contractors employed on the project was Hatfill-and-as memory serves, he hired Bill Patrick (a retired BW expert) as a consultant. (This places the FBI's interest in Hatfill in a different context.)

86 posted on 11/30/2004 3:55:54 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

Comment #87 Removed by Moderator

Comment #88 Removed by Moderator

Comment #89 Removed by Moderator

To: Nes Tona
<< I gather those who believe in a false-flag operation in getting AQ to do 911 think Sadam was behind it all. Is that it? >>

Ay, there's the rub - ye just wouldn't know. That's why it's named a false-flag.

Btw, the poster whose post caught my eye in No. 84 didnt say he thought Saddam was the sponsor. Just that Saddam had << brought us into this new world >>. What-ever that means.

90 posted on 12/01/2004 10:20:03 AM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Khan Noonian Singh
All the letters were mailed in Florida before the 9/11 attack. They got "lost in the mail". I've explained that many times before.

The postmark dates mean nothing all that important. The pieces carried addresses that would take them through several major airports and important postal facilities ~ Brokaw, Daschle and Leahy would suffice for that purpose.

The terrorists managed to shut down the main postal facility serving the national capital.

The recent discovery of a field handbook in Iraq concerning manufacturing weaponized anthrax should pretty much resolve all the questions about who was really involved in the attack.

91 posted on 12/01/2004 5:33:29 PM PST by muawiyah

To: John Faust; jpl; genefromjersey; Nes Tona; Battle Axe
<< You're right, Khan, I was not thinking of Hatfill's belabored appearance in the Times.

The New York Times article that came to mind was the Sep-4-2001 report by Judith Miller, Stephen Engelberg and Wm J Broad, U.S. Germ Warfare Research Pushes Treaty Limits.

A thought-provoking article which has received just scant attention.

If you haven't seen it,
here's a link. http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/strategy/germs.htm


That is the report I was thinking of too. Thought provoking. In-deed.

The New York Times article is long, may-be a summary would be utile:

  1. The US is engaged in a secret biowarfare research program, claimed to be for defence. Only defensive biowarfare research is compatible with US treaty obliggations. Program begun under Clinton, continued under Bush.
  2. In 2001, some time before 11 September, the Pentagon made plans to have Battelle create a superpotent anthrax, via genetic engineering.
  3. The CIA built and tested a model of a Soviet-designed germ bomb, said to lack some parts needed for a working bomb.
  4. The Defense Dept built a biological weapons factory in the Nevada desert from commercially available materials.
This is not tinfoilhat conspiracy theory. All as stated directly in Judith Miller's New York Times article of 4 Sept 2001 linked to above.
92 posted on 12/01/2004 10:16:53 PM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Khan Noonian Singh; jpl; genefromjersey; Nes Tona; Battle Axe
The Judith Miller article was published in the New York Times on Sep-4-2001.

Just one month later, on Oct-5-2001, a hoax anthrax letter was mailed to Judith Miller from St Petersburg, Florida. Strong indications are that this was connected to the real anthrax mailings.

What do you think was the reason Judith Miller received a letter? Could the reason be Miller's Sep-4-2001 article?

93 posted on 12/02/2004 1:40:16 AM PST by John Faust

To: John Faust

John, what are the "strong indications" the hoax letter had any connection to the anthrax murders ?

I'm curious.

(Hoax letters were mailed by the hundreds prior to 9/11;by the thousands afterward.)

94 posted on 12/02/2004 4:19:03 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: Khan Noonian Singh

Khan, are you aware the reason for experiments in "super-potency" was the revelations of Ken Alibek ? The Russians had done a LOT of work in breeding antibiotic-resistant diseases,chimeras,etc.

I can see where our research would alarm the FAS-though the Russian efforts never really seemed to.( The head of the FAS kept saying :"Nothing to see here ! Move along !" -even after it was disclosed there were TONS of bioweapons in their arsenal,and specially designed rockets to deliver them.)

By contrast, Alibek was stunned by our lack of a weapons program and our lack of a viable infrastructure.(He had assumed the US was lying,just as the Soviets had.) The source of that is Alibek himself.

95 posted on 12/02/2004 4:31:13 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: genefromjersey; Khan Noonian Singh
John, what are the "strong indications" the hoax letter had any connection to the anthrax murders ?
I'm curious.
(Hoax letters were mailed by the hundreds prior to 9/11;by the thousands afterward.)

Yes, there are very many hoax anthrax letters which have nothing to do with the 2001 mailings.

But the letter to Judith Miller was part of a small set of letters from St Petersburg, Florida, whose connection with the 2001 mailings is very probable.

Both Barbara Hatch Rosenberg and Don Foster have written about this set of hoax letters. While one may discount their conclusions regarding the case as a whole, their analysis of why these particular hoax letters are connected to the case is solid.

Rosenberg's paper is on-line. Foster wrote an article in Vanity Fair, but I don't think Vanity Fair has an archive on the web.

96 posted on 12/04/2004 8:04:20 AM PST by John Faust

To: John Faust; genefromjersey; jpl; Battle Axe
Yes, the Saint Petersburg hoax letters were sent by someone with a connexion to the real 2001 anthrax mailings.

Thank you for drawing one's attention to Foster's article in Vanity Fair. You are right, Vanity Fair doesn't have an archive online, but I did a search and found a posting of it at the UCLA anthrax website - http://www.ph.ucla.edu/epi/bioter/messageanthrax.html.

I recommend this article greatly for the info on the 3 hoax letters sent by the mailers.

Here is an outline. Read the article for more info.

  Postmark Date Addressee Text
Hoax Letter #1 20 Sep 2001 Tom Brokaw;
opened by aide Erin O'Connor

Same people received a real anthrax letter postmked 18 Sep 2001!


In the 1st line above, you should see one quotemark below the line, and also the 2 underlined Ns in the word UNTHINKABEL should be Ns reversed left-right as mirror-image.

Included bio-terror threats against New York, Chi, LA, and Wash DC.

If Newsweek is correct, also contained the text:
But this may be a paraphrase of SAMPLE OF HOW IT WILL LOOK rather than a quotacion.

According to Foster, same hand-writing and same simbolic oddities. Exact details have not been made public.
Hoax Letter #3 5 Oct 2001 Judith Miller Bio-terror threats, same hand-writing and simbolic oddities. Text has not been publicised.

Question: What do the 3 letters have in common?


  • Commonality A: All 3 contained powder, but some inert material, not anthrax.
  • Commonality B: All 3 were mailed from Saint Petersburg.
  • Commonality C: All 3 contained threats of bio-terror.
  • Commonality D: All 3 were written in the same hand-writing and with fake Russian script: Cyrillic-looking backward Ns and opening quotacion marks below the line a la Russe.

Question: How do we know that the 3 letters are connected to one another?

Answer: Primarily because of Commonality D. Secondarily because of Commonality B. Tertiarily because two were postmarked on the same date, 5 Oct 2001.

Question: How do we know that these letters are connected to the 2001 anthrax mailings?

Answer: There was an 18 Sep 2001 mailing of real anthrax to Tom Brokaw, also opened by his aide Erin O'Connor. Here we have a 20 Sep 2001 hoax mailing to the same person. At the time, no one knew:

  • that there was an anthrax attack in progress,
  • much less that such an attack would take place via the US mails accompanying letters,
  • and even less that Tom Brokaw would be the recipient of such a letter.
This is very further-fetched to be a co-incidence.

And the Brokaw hoax letter is quite explicit: "The unthinkabel" and, even more pointedly, "Sample of how it will look".

The other two letters were postmarkened 5 October 2001. Bob Stevens had just died from anthrax. That was in the news. But... it was not being widely attributed to bio-terrorism, and I believe there was no suggestion of delivery via letter. And... no one knew that AMI was merely the first media target to be noticed, of several real anthrax letters already mailed but still unknown. So again on 5 Oct we have what would be an amazing co-incidence if it were a co-incidence... Two more hoax letters containing powder, threatening bio-attacks, sent to news media outlets. Just like the real letters that were unknown at the time to all but the mailers.

97 posted on 12/12/2004 10:41:32 PM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Khan Noonian Singh

Somehow I don't see the exact same person sending the real letter, then sending a hoax afterward. I know there are similarities, but it is not an isolated incident in relation to all the other hoaxes. The only thing isolated are the letters that contain the real stuff. I still also can't find a place for the purity of the mailed real anthrax. Why would they send such purity, unless they did not know it was so pure.

If it were drugs, they would cut it with something to make the good stuff last. I"m just taking the other side of the coin for arguments sake.

98 posted on 12/13/2004 4:38:01 AM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: Battle Axe; John Faust; genefromjersey; jpl
<< Somehow I don't see the exact same person sending the real letter, then sending a hoax afterward. I know there are similarities... >>

The similarities are not the point.

Look... Someone sends anthrax in the mail. Someone sends a warning letter to the same person at virtually the same time, before anyone else knew that the original letter had been sent. Actually before anyone else knew that any anthrax letters had been sent.

How could anyone else have known who to send the warning letter to?

Why wait a couple of days after the real letter before mailing the warning letter? Be-cause of the incubation period. That's exactly what one would expect.

99 posted on 12/13/2004 11:14:41 AM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Khan Noonian Singh

To all of you contributing to this thread: This has been a VERY interesting and informative exchange,with plenty of new material thrown in,and I appreciate the spirit and cooperativeness of all !

There were much earlier threads about the exact nature of the materials used.Someone-quite a while ago-suggested the materials were made with a very up-to-date technology.

Cabosil (silocaine) was mentioned.This stuff is available "over the counter" for about $ 5.95 pound,and is used in fireworks and (prepared a bit differently) in pharmaceutical products,electronics,and certain paints.

When made "perfectly" in a proper spray dryer (a recent and notable Swiss upgrade of the Russo-Iraqi method),it was actually unsuitable for mailing,because you couldn't get it to hold still long enough to put it into an envelope.

The Russians (and their "clients") used to use a spray dryer to prepare their bioweapons.Instead of using cabosil,they used diatomaceous earth and Bentonite (a water resistant clay)-plus a third,undisclosed material which helped eliminate clumping.It was almost exactly the way we used to make it,before we stopped production in 1972: no surprise,because the Russians had penetrated our program so thoroughly,they were reading copies of our internal reports before the ink was dry on the originals.

100 posted on 12/13/2004 1:13:08 PM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

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Workers Can't Sue Postal Officials Over Anthrax, Judge Rules
Washington Post ^ | 11/20/04 | Carol D. Leonnig

Posted on 11/20/2004 11:46:06 AM PST by TrebleRebel

click here to read article

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To: Khan Noonian Singh
Am I correct in saying that Tom Brokaw is the only person that got both a hoax and a real letter??

Then go out on the street of any town in the USA, and ask: Name a news anchorman that you have watched. Out of ten, how many would name Tom Brokaw. I say he is just a very visible, face in the news. And if someone wanted to target the media, he would be the face of it.

Khan, I am just arguing for the sake of arguing. I am half way up the fence on the hoax letters. Another poster said that we could statistically determine if my other theory was right....that Dashcle and Leahy were just names repeated in the news leading up to 9-11 and were controversial, outspoken members of Congress and were targeted because the perps....who in my theory are Pakistani do not understand our culture and think that just because a face gets air time, it is an important person.
101 posted on 12/13/2004 6:54:34 PM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: Khan Noonian Singh
Another argument against sending the real stuff and then sending a hoax.

What if there was something traceable that the perp was not aware of. Then by sending the second letter, a hoax, he could be traced and caught.

One could argue that all criminals want to be caught, but by sending a hoax, the perp takes two chances not just one. In case there was something that could be traced. If the feds would allow us to see the evidence we would be more enlightened. What is the purpose of concealing this information?
102 posted on 12/13/2004 6:59:07 PM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: Battle Axe; Khan Noonian Singh
Am I correct in saying that Tom Brokaw is the only person that got both a hoax and a real letter??

A very good question. If the perp was going to send hoax letters also to the anthrax recipients, he wouldn't have just done Brokaw, would he?

Yet it is hard to believe that it's a coincidence that one of the anthrax targets was mailed a warning letter just a couple of days after the anthrax letter was mailed. As you pointed out, Khan, no one else could have known at the time.

You're also right about the incubation period, Khan. If the purpose was to have another, more recent, letter to be remembered by the victim after symptoms ensued, then waiting a couple of days before mailing is what you would do.

I am half way up the fence on the hoax letters.

I am on the fence on the hoax letters also, Battle Axe. It seems credible that the two letters to Brokaw within two days could not be a coincidence. So I would like to believe the theory. Yet, where are the hoax letters to the other anthrax victims that one would suspect would have been sent if this theory is right??

103 posted on 12/13/2004 11:43:57 PM PST by John Faust

To: John Faust; Khan Noonian Singh; Mitchell; genefromjersey
Let's go over the incubation period. I think the timing is off if the desired effect is as you stated. What if the letters are not opened in a timely manner and the perp does not know that. Remember the letter to AMI was delayed being opened as the opener was on vacation.

Working in an office and coming down with anthrax are two trains that never meet...except for bioterrorism. So if someone at the place where the letters were sent comes down with anthrax, one must look at bioterrorism.

From exposure there are 48 hours to a symptom of a small pimple. Then a week to a sore that doesn't hurt but looks terrible. But you have to have a break in the skin to get it or if it is weaponized, you could get inhalation. I do not know the times on that one as good as I do cutaneous.

Nope! I'm not buying same perp sending the hoaxes, but the cell might be big enough that someone else knew about it and got on the bandwagon and sent his own powder without having the real stuff.;
104 posted on 12/14/2004 4:26:45 AM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: genefromjersey
<< To all of you contributing to this thread: This has been a VERY interesting and informative exchange,with plenty of new material thrown in,and I appreciate the spirit and cooperativeness of all ! >>

I concur. Thank you, Gene, and every-body else on this thread.

105 posted on 12/15/2004 1:43:55 PM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Battle Axe
<< Khan, I am just arguing for the sake of arguing. >>

Ahhhh, a woman after my own heart, as they say. Argument may educe truth.

106 posted on 12/15/2004 1:46:07 PM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Battle Axe; John Faust; genefromjersey; jpl
Battle Axe::: << Am I correct in saying that Tom Brokaw is the only person that got both a hoax and a real letter?? >>

John Faust::: << If the perp was going to send hoax letters also to the anthrax recipients, he wouldn't have just done Brokaw, would he? ... If the perp was going to send hoax letters also to the anthrax recipients, he wouldn't have just done Brokaw, would he? >>

Tom Brokaw was not the only anthrax recipient to receive a hoax letter! He was just 1 of at least 3 anthrax recipients who received hoax letters too.

So, by your reasoning, this works in favor of the theory that the hoax letters were part of the anthrax plot.

There was a hoax letter addressed in block capitals to the Editor of the New York Post, just like one of the anthrax letters, according to the rememberance of the worker who opened the letter. This letter was received and thrown out either in September or some-time in October before the 19th. Best guess is it was mailed around 20 September along with the hoax letter to Brokaw as part of the 1st set of Saint Petersburg letters, but it could have been mailed on 5 October with the 2nd set of Saint Petersburg hoax letters.

Sen Daschle, another anthrax target, also received a hoax letter, this one much later than the others, in November 2001.

Source is Barbara Hatch Rosenberg's research, http://www.anthraxinvestigation.com/BHR-FAS2.html, article from 5 Feb 2002. As she says:

<< In addition, at least three of the five anthrax recipients also received "hoax" letters containing an innocuous powder; and several different media offices received similar hoax letters. Some of the hoax letters were mailed BEFORE the first anthrax case (in Florida) was reported, and all but one hoax letter were mailed BEFORE there were any reports of anthrax letters or hoax letters. Therefore the hoax letters targeting media are not simply a copycat phenomenon. The envelopes on most or all of the hoax letters were addressed in block capitals similar to the addresses on the anthrax envelopes, even though they were mailed before the anthrax envelopes became known. >>

107 posted on 12/15/2004 1:57:58 PM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Khan Noonian Singh; John Faust; genefromjersey; Mitchell
No, I think what I am trying to say and the older I get the harder it is to make my self clear.......is that Tom Brokaw is such a commonly known person that many would have had him on their list....if we had a list of hoaxers. He is so visible that he would be a common target of authority.

I just can't believe that all those FBI agents and Postal Inspectors are working full time on the job, yet old Battle Axe has yet to be contacted by someone wanting more information, when it was old Battle Axe that saw two sores and know that a Pakistani ended up with the package. Do I have to do this all myself????? I would have done it last year, but on this day last year I broke my left leg and ankle. It is still a little touchy, the pocket book is empty, and no one really seems to care. The feds say they want more evidence other than me and the three other witnesses.
108 posted on 12/15/2004 3:54:33 PM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: John Faust
It seems credible that the two letters to Brokaw within two days could not be a coincidence. So I would like to believe the theory.

But how many hoax letters has he received? Does he get a lot of hate mail and hoax letters???

It is commonly known that anthrax is a bioterror weapon. After 9-11 we were watching our backsides looking for the next wave. There was some mention somewhere that there were to be three waves, but I can't find that now.

Airplanes.....anthrax......computer viruses.

Was that us thinking out loud?

What is the dirt on West Nile???? That one seems to be suspect.
109 posted on 12/15/2004 3:59:14 PM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: Battle Axe

Hang in there !

I'm reminded of the "joy" of untangling the cheap cuttyhunk fishing line I used as a kid: You just have to keep pulling at those loose ends !

Now: two divergent thoughts on the "hoax" letters.

1. Hoax letters will almost always be addressed in spikey,"angry-looking" capital letters.The hoax letters could have been JUSt THAT !

2. On the other hand,the hoax letters could have been a test run to measure how well the mailing plan would work.

(The "problem" with this is that one would have to have insiders at the receiving end to give you the particulars:When did they arrive?Who handled them ? How ? What was the reaction,etc.? In the absence of multiple insiders,would you not have to have a police,postal,or FBI contact to tell you these things ?)

(This is for Khan: In what countries would penicyllin (?)be the first drug thought of for treating anthrax ? Would that be the drug of choice for Veterinary medication ? )

110 posted on 12/15/2004 5:47:05 PM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: genefromjersey; Battle Axe
<< This is for Khan: In what countries would penicyllin (?)be the first drug thought of for treating anthrax ? >>

Penicillin was the tradicional remedy for anthrax, in the US and else-where.

CDC still includes penicillin first in its list of treatments, altho cipro has now become the primary recommendation for adults: << Bacillus anthracis usually responds effectively to several antibiotics including penicillin, doxycycline, and fluoroquinolones (such as ciprofloxacin). >> http://www.bt.cdc.gov/agent/anthrax/faq/treatment.asp

For children, CDC has amoxicillin, a type of penicillin, as the primary recommendation, unless the anthrax strain is penicillin-resistent: << As soon as penicillin susceptibility of the organism has been confirmed, prophylactic therapy for children should be changed to oral amoxicillin 80 mg/kg of body mass per day divided every 8 hours (not to exceed 500 mg three times daily). >> http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5041a1.htm

Amoxicillin/penicillin is the primary option not just for children, but also for pregnant women, and in general when there is a contra-indication for cipro. http://www.bt.cdc.gov/agent/anthrax/treatment/amoxicillinpatient.asp

Etc..... And penicillin is still an acceptable treatment option for anybody, altho cipro is now preferred in many cases.

Summary: Having recommended penicillin in the anthrax letters does not point to any place of origin, neither foreign nor domestic. Nor does it suggest veterinary experience versus medical experience.

Conclusion: Penicillin is a reasonable suggestion to have made. It is also the most widely recognized anti-biotic. If cipro had been named, most people would have said "What is that?" But penicillin is immediately recognized as an anti-biotic.

111 posted on 12/16/2004 11:39:40 PM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Khan Noonian Singh

Thanks, Khan !

As you've noticed, I can never seem to remember how to spell "penicillin".

Ooops ! The anthrax mailer couldn't spell it either !!

112 posted on 12/17/2004 4:17:13 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: Khan Noonian Singh

I would guess, if the notes said "God is great !",most people in our society would have said: "Aha ! The Religious Right at work !!"

( I mention this,because at one time,much was made of the mention of "Allah".Some "experts" insisted most Muslims would say "God". Glancing at this line in the letter text,I couldn't help but notice what looked like a "hesitation mark" on the Letter "A" of Allah-suggesting the writer might have been more comfortable writing "Al'lah"-which,I believe, is the non-Aglicized way of writing it."

113 posted on 12/17/2004 6:01:05 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: Khan Noonian Singh; Battle Axe; genefromjersey
OK, it is starting to be very convincing that some of the hoax letters were part & parcel of the anthrax plot.

Both Tom Brokaw and the New York Post received hoax letters at about the same time as real anthrax letters? Before it was known that Brokaw and the Post had been sent real anthrax letters? Before it was known that anyone had been sent anthrax letters?

This is not just one recipient, but two. The chance of a double coincidence is well past astronomical.

There were probably unnoticed hoax letters sent to the other anthrax recipients. Indeed, most of the anthrax letters themselves went unnoticed at the time, and several were never found.

It is even possible that there are some anthrax letters which were never discovered and which happened never to infect anybody. The cases that we know about only infected 1 or 2 people, so the chance of infection was low. For that reason, it's quite possible that there were anthrax letters that infected nobody and were never found. Maybe some of the recipients of other hoax letters that were found - Miller, Troxler, CBS in Washington DC, Fox News - were also recipients of real anthrax letters???

Of course, that's idle speculation. But there is no doubt of a connection between the St Petersburg hoax letters and the anthrax letters.

114 posted on 12/17/2004 9:57:56 PM PST by John Faust

To: Battle Axe; Khan Noonian Singh; genefromjersey
Let's go over the incubation period. I think the timing is off if the desired effect is as you stated. What if the letters are not opened in a timely manner and the perp does not know that.

There's no such thing as perfect timing, and no one expects guarantees in black ops. The point is that, because of the incubation period, there is a window of several days after mailing the actual letter during which additional "hoax" letters could be sent. It is then probable that the hoax letters would be received before any anthrax case had been diagnosed. In point of fact, this is what happened - exactly what happened - with NBC News and with the New York Post.

The hoax letters make it more likely that the recipient will read at least one of the perps' letters, and if the recipient reads both, so much the better for increasing the threatening feeling.

I'm not buying same perp sending the hoaxes, but the cell might be big enough that someone else knew about it and got on the bandwagon and sent his own powder without having the real stuff.

It might not be the same person, no one said that it was. The St Petersburg hoax letters were sent either by a compatriot of the sender of the real letters or by the sender himself as part of the same plot.

115 posted on 12/17/2004 10:14:52 PM PST by John Faust

To: John Faust; Khan Noonian Singh; genefromjersey
We need to discuss incubation times vs. infections.

The problems with the Russian release was that it was pretty high up in the air and the winds carried it to vegetation where it landed and may have stayed until further winds or a rain that could have washed it to the ground. That anthrax up there in the canopy of the trees is what I think is responsible for the 60 day "incubation" times.

NO NO!! Once the spore desporulates and reaches a host site where there is adequate nutrients, there is a definite sequence of events and symptoms that occur. If that spore does not find the suitable host site for 60 days, people assumed that one could have it incubate for the 60 days. Not so. Therefore there are several scenarios and they all have to do with the desporulation of the spore.

When a real anthrax letter is opened, the infection could be immediate if spores come in contact with the desired break in the skin, thus giving the proper nutrients for an infection.

The trouble is that these spores can hang around for many years in concentrations that would cause an infection. They are like seeds.

Inhalation is not what I am talking about, although some of the same things do apply. A spore in the lungs, has a certain set of symptoms.

The two that I saw had this scenario. The woman opened the package about noon 11/29/90 and said that over the weekend she noticed a small pimple. A week later the sore was the size of a silver dollar.
116 posted on 12/18/2004 4:39:21 AM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: Battle Axe; John Faust; genefromjersey
<< No, I think what I am trying to say and the older I get the harder it is to make my self clear.......is that Tom Brokaw is such a commonly known person that many would have had him on their list....if we had a list of hoaxers. He is so visible that he would be a common target of authority. >>

This analysis doesn't hold water without leaks. Look at the dates. There were very many hoax letters after the anthrax letters to Brokaw and the New York Post were announced. That Brokaw was the recipient of an anthrax letter was made public on 12 Oct 2001, the Post anthrax letter wasn't discovered and made public until later, 20 Oct 2001.

But on 5 Oct 2001, when the Saint Petersburg hoax letter to Brokaw was post-marked, we were still in an earlier time when there were far fewer anthrax hoax letters, since there was no public knowlege yet of the real letters. Perhaps one or two hundred hoaxes a year, mostly sent to abortion clinics.

There was some concern about anthrax after 11 Sept, but mostly the fear was distribution by crop-duster or in the ventilation system of a highrise, etc. Letters would be way down the list of fears, because they just are not an effective distribution method.

Brokaw is famous, but he would not have been on anybody's list of potential targets, if anybody were to make up a list of targets. Can you find even a single document from before 12 Oct 2001, the date the Brokaw letter was announced, that lists Tom Brokaw as a likely target of a terrorist attack? How about the New York Post? Alternately, can you find any evidence that hoax anthrax letters to the media were so common prior to 12 Oct 2001 that any particular letter would be no surprize?

No. It is clear, as Faust says, that the hoax letter to Brokaw could not be a coincidence.

So we know that the 3 Saint Petersburg letters were mailed by anthrax coconspirators. Now... the interesting question is... << What does that tell us? >>

117 posted on 12/18/2004 9:40:51 AM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: genefromjersey

Yeah I looked it up to be sure. I don't usually bother to look up spellings lol!!!

118 posted on 12/18/2004 9:42:27 AM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Khan Noonian Singh

If the Tom Brokaw St. Petersberg letter was postmarked on Oct. 5, then is it no more than a hoax. It was announced on the radio that there was a person that was sick with anthrax on Oct. 4. It is a copycat.

119 posted on 12/18/2004 10:44:26 AM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: Battle Axe; genefromjersey; John Faust
<< If the Tom Brokaw St. Petersberg letter was postmarked on Oct. 5, then is it no more than a hoax. It was announced on the radio that there was a person that was sick with anthrax on Oct. 4. It is a copycat. >>

Not a chance. Yes, it was known that Stevens had somehow contracted anthrax, probably the hoax letter was mailed right after the announcement that Stevens had died of anthrax. But 5 Oct letters weren't from a copy-cat.

How did the supposed copy-cat know to send a letter to Tom Brokaw? A real anthrax letter had been mailed to Brokaw on 18 Sept, but on 5 Oct only the plotters knew about it.

It's not credible that they picked a name at random, out of tens of thousands, or more, famous people, and they just happened to pick somebody who would not have been widely viewed as a target at all but who in fact was, unknown to anyone else, already the recipient of a real anthrax letter.

And then they did it again with a hoax letter to the New York Post, received before it was known that the Post was an anthrax recipient !!

The Daschle hoax letter may be a copy-cat; it was sent too late to tell, after it was known that Daschle had received anthrax in the mail. Daschle is a more likely random pick anyway. One can-not tell if the Daschle hoax was sent by a copy-cat or not. But the Brokaw hoax letter certainly and the unrecovered but recalled Post letter almost certainly were sent not by copy-cats but as part of the ongoing plot, what-so-ever its purpose might have been.

The question of interest now is: << What does it tell us that the Saint Petersburg letters were sent by the anthrax plotters?? >>

120 posted on 12/18/2004 12:29:30 PM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Khan Noonian Singh
Disagree. The recipients are in full public view, even Judith Miller whose book on Germs was well known.

Anyone could have a vendetta against the Post, or what ever paper. I know a guy who HATES Art Linkletter. I do not know if he has sent any threatening mail to him or not. But this guy is so jealous of the life that Art Linkletter has lead, compared to his looser-life, that he just hates him. There are a lot of nuts out there.

It is at least curious, but not convincing to me. Sorry.
121 posted on 12/18/2004 3:02:07 PM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: Battle Axe; genefromjersey; John Faust; jpl
Believe what you want.

But, here's an analogie in the form of a tale... Imagine a woman who gets a beautiful bouquet of unusual, exotic flowers anonymoussly, via delivery service. That same day she receives a letter, mailed the previous day, accompanied by a single unusual petal very like the flowers, minding her to watch for delivery of a whole bouquet of similar flowers. Does she believe that she has two secret admirers, both of whom favor the same exotic flower, and both of whom happened to choose that same day to send their tokens of admiration? Of course not. She knows they're from the same person.

And anthrax letters - even hoax letters - are far less common than bouquets of flowers and secret admirers.

122 posted on 12/22/2004 10:07:41 PM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Khan Noonian Singh; Battle Axe; genefromjersey; jpl
OK, let's move on from the hoax letters maybe? I think most of us are convinced that at least the St Petersburg hoax letters were sent as part of the anthrax plot, that anything else is just too much of a coincidence to believe. This is near 100% certainty. But, to any holdouts, YMMV, what you believe is up to you.

Going on now...

What other topics could be of interest? Perhaps the Viet Namese woman in New York City? The one whose case of inhalation anthrax, alone among the 2001 anthrax cases, has not been attributed to a specific known or suspected letter.

Or maybe something else. As you said, Khan, when you began this discussion...

So what observations have *you* noticed that you have not posted or that may not be known widely? Never found the right thread to post it on? This is it.

123 posted on 12/22/2004 10:29:42 PM PST by John Faust

To: John Faust

John, this has been attributed to contaminated mail....BUT,an exhaustive investigation found no trace of anthrax in her apartment, her mailbox,the hospital she worked in,or the subway she normally used.

This is why I think there might have been a deliberate "plume" - type release : something easy to accomplish with a weaponized bioagent.

Bill Patrick,the retired "inventor" of the US bioweapons materials,demonstrated how such a weapon could work. He had a jar of (inert) material,which was in the form of a grayish-white powder.When he took the lid off,the powder "lifted off" from the jar,rose on air currents,and began drifting away. He told the author interviewing him the plume could travel for miles.

Imagine,if you will,you are part of a group that has mailed anthrax,and you still have a few grams left over.You have access to a helium tank and some balloons.You tuck a bit of "product" inside each balloon,and fill it with helium.

Away we go ,with no one the wiser.The balloons may travel a few blocks,or several miles.If they go high enough, they will break;but most will leak-slowly-and come to rest somewhere:spreading little plumes of spores everywhere.

(That was the complicated scheme. The simple method would have been to do just what Bill Patrick did:take the cover off the container,and let the wind do the rest.

It's a hit-or-miss methodology: one that would make a scientist cringe,but which is almost ideal for a terrorist,who wants to demonstrate to a citizenry that no one can protect them.

124 posted on 12/23/2004 4:52:38 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: Battle Axe; Khan Noonian Singh; genefromjersey; jpl
If the Tom Brokaw St. Petersberg letter was postmarked on Oct. 5, then is it no more than a hoax. It was announced on the radio that there was a person that was sick with anthrax on Oct. 4. It is a copycat.

I know I said we should move on, but you guys missed something here.

The Tom Brokaw "hoax" letter from St Petersburg was postmarked Sept. 20, not Oct. 5. This is not a copycat, period. It was sent by someone in on the plot.

For comparison, the anthrax-laced letter to Brokaw was postmarked on Sept. 18. On Sept. 20, when the hoax letter to Brokaw was mailed, no one except the mailers knew anything about the anthrax mailings at all.

The Oct. 5 letters to Miller and Troxler were sent by the same people as the Sept. 20 St. Petersburg letter. We know this because of the symbolic peculiarities that Foster points out. So that's how we know that these letters were also sent as part of the plot.

125 posted on 12/23/2004 11:08:25 AM PST by John Faust

To: genefromjersey; Khan Noonian Singh; Battle Axe; jpl
Kathy Nguyen's anthrax case was only attributed to contaminated mail because investigators could find no other source. There is no actual evidence at all in favor of this idea.

I suspect the source was something else. Didn't one of the investigators say that she got a "snoutful" of spores? And didn't she become so gravely ill so quickly that she was unable to tell investigators anything - in spite of being in good health? Yet no spores showed up anywhere investigators looked. Strange.

126 posted on 12/23/2004 11:13:16 AM PST by John Faust

To: genefromjersey; Khan Noonian Singh; Mitchell; John Faust
Alternately, can you find any evidence that hoax anthrax letters to the media were so common prior to 12 Oct 2001 that any particular letter would be no surprise?

I believe that I remember just before 9-11 that there was a wrap-up of a trial of some anthrax hoax letters in Florida.

According to the Vanity Fair article, yes I know it was written by Don Foster, there were 10,000 hoaxes after October 5 which is the day Stevens died. But I had heard on my radio, that a man in Florida was sick with anthrax on Oct. 4. According to Leonard Cole's book The anthrax letters, there was knowledge available to those who were listening I think on early Oct. 4. That would have given anyone plenty of time to put something in the mail by Oct. 5.

Khan....where did you get that email signed by "R"??????
127 posted on 12/23/2004 11:15:01 AM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: John Faust

Fellow Freepers!!!!!

Someone is messing with our thread! Go back and look at 51-100. There are a lot removed by admin. mod. I think that email that I want to look at has been removed!!!

Are there feds on the thread? Are we getting too close to something??

My carbine is loaded.

128 posted on 12/23/2004 11:26:37 AM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: Battle Axe
<< Khan....where did you get that email signed by "R"?????? >>

Just from a google search. The link is in 33 up above. It wasnt an email tho, it was a usenet post, if it matters.

I do not know who R is, or if it could be the mailer. It's just a gut feeling that may-be it could be.

Whoever R is wanted to promote public discussion of the Stevens death-by-anthrax as fast as humanly possible. And R tried to cover his tracks with << x-no-archive >> and with an anonymouss post.

Nothing new here right now - all this is just what I said in post 33 up above in this thread.

129 posted on 12/23/2004 7:00:57 PM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Battle Axe; John Faust; genefromjersey; Mitchell
The hoaxes started in ernest on or after 12 October 2001, the date the Daschle anthrax letter was made public. Most of the hoaxes were not something anybody would confuse with a letter sent by the real mailer.

Any-way, as Faust has kindly reminded us, the Daschle hoax letter from Saint Petersburg was postmarkened 20 September 2001. This is much too early for a copy-cat. It must have been someone with inside knowlege.

130 posted on 12/23/2004 7:09:19 PM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: John Faust

Thank you for the important date correction, John.

131 posted on 12/23/2004 7:11:15 PM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: John Faust; genefromjersey; Battle Axe; jpl
<< Kathy Nguyen's anthrax case was only attributed to contaminated mail because investigators could find no other source. There is no actual evidence at all in favor of this idea.

I suspect the source was something else. Didn't one of the investigators say that she got a "snoutful" of spores? And didn't she become so gravely ill so quickly that she was unable to tell investigators anything - in spite of being in good health? Yet no spores showed up anywhere investigators looked. Strange. >>

Someone described Xinh Thi "Kathy" Nguyen as having intelligence connections in Nam in the 1970s. No documentation though. May-be it's just air.

132 posted on 12/23/2004 7:24:02 PM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Khan Noonian Singh
Kathy N. ex-husband told investigators that she loved to smell things. She would smell and deeply inhale. Letters, magazines etc.

Then the CDC came out with an estimate of the number of spores required for an infection.

The magic number........3.
133 posted on 12/24/2004 8:14:16 AM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: Battle Axe; genefromjersey
<< Kathy N. ex-husband told investigators that she loved to smell things. She would smell and deeply inhale. Letters, magazines etc. >>

What is your src for this? I've not seen interview with ex-husband.

Here is a similar statement attributed to a longtime friend, Gina Ramjassingh:

Kathy Nguyen liked sweet smelling things. "She loved flowers. She loved perfumes, the finer ones. She burned scented candles in her house all the time," Ramjassingh said.

From web page: http://www.staugustine.com/stories/111102/nat_1115994.shtml

134 posted on 12/27/2004 1:10:12 AM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Khan Noonian Singh

This mentions another worker at the Ear, Eye and Throat clinic where she worked with a lesion. I had not found that before and have no idea if there was ever a resolution to that incident.

I believe I heard that the ex-husband told investigators that she smelled everything on TV. I'll keep looking.
135 posted on 12/27/2004 7:43:58 AM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: Khan Noonian Singh

Capitol Grilling: Anthrax - 70 who fit the profile
... NYTimes reports today that Kathy Nguyen's ex-husband says that she "loved to smell
things". ... victims...one would think there would be traces of anthrax found in ...
www.capitolgrilling.com/cgi-bin/ ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi/topic/4/49/2.html - 101k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

But I can't get this to come up. Maybe someone else can.

136 posted on 12/27/2004 7:49:07 AM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: Battle Axe
Here is a link that will work as long as google retains the cached copy -

The NYTimes article with the quote from Nguyen's ex-hubby is supposed to have been on 24 November 2001, if any-body wants to look it up.

137 posted on 12/27/2004 9:21:33 PM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Battle Axe

Thank u for these new links, B.A.

138 posted on 12/27/2004 9:22:49 PM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Battle Axe; genefromjersey; John Faust; jpl; Ann Archy
Found it. The 24 November 2001 New York Times article with the quote from Kathy Nguyen's x-husband was posted on FreeRepublic - http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/577106/posts

Some hilites, including the name of the x-husband - or, as this article says, estranged husband:

  • According to city officials, the woman's estranged second husband, tracked down by investigators, said that while he had no specific information about how she might have been exposed, he knew she did like to smell things.
  • Even Dave Cruz, who manages the Bronx apartment complex where Ms. Nguyen lived, and who rushed her to the hospital and was the last to speak with her, told investigators that he had little to offer. She seemed to have no idea what ailed her, he recalled....
  • Investigators tracked down an estranged second husband of Ms. Nguyen's, Jeng Gang Chi, who said that Ms. Nguyen had no contact with family members who remained in Vietnam. He did tell them, curiously, that she liked to smell things.
  • [Dave Cruz, who drove her to the hospital,] could hear that she was having difficulty breathing. "She said in her soft voice, `Dave, it just hurts when I try to breathe,' " he recalled.... [H]e quizzed her. Did she have asthma? Bronchitis? " `No, no,' " he recalled her saying. " `It just hurts. It hurts to breathe.' "

    As a freeper, Ann Archy, pointed out, referring to one of the other inhalation anthrax victims who died: << ...the postman who called 911 and told that operator the entire story sounded like he had NO trouble breathng...curious. >>
    This may confirm that Nguyen's case was unusually severe, right from the start.

139 posted on 12/29/2004 2:12:59 AM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Battle Axe

It looks like the freeper Nes Tona got banned. My guess is that he was probably a multiple username poster.

140 posted on 12/29/2004 6:16:44 AM PST by jpl (The tribe has spoken, now for goodness sake, get a life.)

To: Khan Noonian Singh; genefromjersey; Battle Axe; jpl
Someone described Xinh Thi "Kathy" Nguyen as having intelligence connections in Nam in the 1970s. No documentation though. May-be it's just air.

I don't know where you heard this, Khan, but you piqued my interest. I think you're right, she had connections. The evidence fits to perfection. OTOH, there's no smoking gun, but no one would expect a smoking gun.

Read the many news reports, including quotes from various neighbors and friends, and you will see a consistent picture. Consider...

  1. Kathy Nguyen "worked for the U.S. Embassy, and was one of the last evacuees to be plucked from its roof by helicopter when the North Vietnamese attacked the city, said Edith Navedo, 57, Nguyen's friend of 20 years."
    Source: New York Post, Oct 31, 2001, http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/nypost/87209737.html?did=87209737&FMT=ABS&FMTS=FT&date=Oct+31%2C+2001&author=DOUGLAS+MONTERO&desc=ANOTHER+CRUEL+TURN+FOR+HOSP+VICTIM
  2. "Nguyen owned a bar in Saigon, and [friend since the 1970s Gina] Ramjassingh said Nguyen told her she was 'working with the Americans' during the Vietnam War."
    Source: St Augustine Record, Nov 11, 2002, http://www.staugustine.com/stories/111102/nat_1115994.shtml
  3. "[Neighbor Josefa] Richardson said Nguyen rarely spoke of her past, but said she had worked at the U.S. Embassy in Saigon."
    Source: AP, Nov 1, 2001, http://breakingnews.morris.com/terrorism/stories/110101/vic.shtml
  4. "Immigration and Naturalization Service records show she entered the United States in San Diego on May 4, 1975."
    Source: AP, Nov 1, 2001, http://breakingnews.morris.com/terrorism/stories/110101/vic.shtml
    Comment:The final evacuation from the US Embassy in Saigon was by helicopter on Apr 30, 1975. The date of her entry into the US confirms the story that she was among the last of the evacuees as Saigon was falling.
  5. "Her mother was a teacher, and her family rented rooms to American soldiers. The family had some money, and a house on the water. She came to New York City in the late 1970s, apparently with the help of an American she met during the war."
    Source: USA Today, Oct 31, 2001, http://www.usatoday.com/news/sept11/2001/10/31/anthrax-nyc.htm
So... We know that Kathy Nguyen was among the last group of people evacuated from the American Embassy in Saigon, as the city was about to fall. BTW, her Viet Namese name is reported variously as Xinh Thi Nguyen or Xi Thi Nguyen.

What was that final evacuation like? There's a fascinating account at http://www.franksnepp.com/decent/, from Frank Snepp's book Decent Interval: An Insider's Account of Saigon's Indecent End Told by the CIA's Chief Strategy Analyst in Vietnam.

The ambassador and other high-level officials had refused to prepare adequately for the evacuation, and did not even start it in sufficient time. Why? Partly because of denial of the imminence of Saigon's fall, partly because of fear that evacuation planning would lead the S. Viet Namese army to conclude that the US had thrown in the towel and that the end was at hand, turning into a self-fulfilling prophecy. So they did nothing. And when the NVA was at the edge of the city, there was suddenly a mad scramble to escape.

The CIA seems to have been in charge of the evacuation. It wasn't just Americans who were to be evacuated, of course, but also as many as possible, at that late time, of the Viet Namese who had worked with the CIA and who did not want to take a chance on being treated by the communists as enemy collaborators. Here's a quote from Snepp's website:

"From time to time I stopped by the CIA operations room to listen in horror at the radios as stranded Vietnamese agents pleaded over the circuits for help, begging not to be forgotten. Some would be picked up by Air America helicopters that CIA colleagues and I sent shuttling around the city. Most would be forgotten."

Here's more evidence of the central role of the CIA in the evacuation. From Fall of Saigon Stories, http://www.vietmemorial.org/myweb/fall_of_saigon.htm, a photograph and its caption:

Cia man-indentified by alias "T.D.Latz" help evacuees up
ladder to make-shift chopper pad on last day of war.
[sic - Forgive the errors in spelling and grammar. I think the caption was written by a Viet Namese refugee. I've quoted it verbatim.]

With the CIA not even able to get all the people out who had been of help to the US over the years, there was no room left for random refugees. Without a doubt, almost all of the Viet Namese who escaped at the end were either CIA assets or close friends of somebody influential in the CIA evacuation operation. Kathy Nguyen was one of these Viet Namese who escaped at the end. She, like the others, must have had some CIA connection.

Another interesting fact:

As documented in the St Augustine Record link above, Nguyen owned a bar in Saigon. The CIA frequently worked with Saigon bar-owners, because of their ready access to the seamy side of life and also because of their many contacts. Not all bar-owners worked with the CIA, of course, but this bar-owner worked with Americans in the US embassy and was part of the final CIA evacuation of the embassy.

Finally, look at a couple of quotes from the papers on the secretive life she lived in the days before her illness. Just like the rest, not at all definitive, but they make you go "Hmmmmm":

141 posted on 01/04/2005 9:30:32 PM PST by John Faust

To: John Faust

After so many years of her being a good citizen, I doubt that she was whacked by the CIA. It sounds more likely that she simply crossed paths with the perp.

Charles Shultz the creator of the comic strip "Peanuts", has a character called Pigpen. He is a little boy who is followed by a cloud of dust or dirt, insinuating that this kid is messy and would leave any room he had entered with the same mess left behind.

Pigpen moves through life leaving a trail of dirt and dust that is of no consequence. It merely settles behind him. If Pigpen had been covered instead with anthrax, all who traversed his path could be potential victims of at least cutaneous anthrax. This is assuming that Pigpen is vaccinated.

Somehow I think Kathy N. crossed paths with the perp or it was a minimal cross contamination of the mail as she did like to smell things.
142 posted on 01/05/2005 1:22:58 PM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: John Faust; Battle Axe; genefromjersey; jpl
Excellent follow-up. The connexion seems almost indisputable.

The one mysterie victim has a past CIA connexion. Could be a co-incidence, the connexion was long ago. It is one hell of a co-incidence.

143 posted on 01/07/2005 8:41:25 AM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Battle Axe; Khan Noonian Singh; genefromjersey; jpl
After so many years of her being a good citizen, I doubt that she was whacked by the CIA.

I agree with you.

It sounds more likely that she simply crossed paths with the perp.

Maybe a little bit more than "crossed paths" hmmm?

If Pigpen had been covered instead with anthrax, all who traversed his path could be potential victims of at least cutaneous anthrax.

Yes but she didn't get cutaneous anthrax. What she had was an especially virulent case of inhalation anthrax. She was a strong, healthy person too - "never missed a day of work" etc. - unlike the frail old lady in Connecticut. If there was so much anthrax powder around that a strong healthy person got a very virulent case of inhalation anthrax, where is the trail of other cases - there should have been at least a couple extra cases of cutaneous anthrax. And why are there no spores to be found lying around anywhere she frequented?

Somehow I think Kathy N. crossed paths with the perp or it was a minimal cross contamination of the mail as she did like to smell things.

I think this is almost right. She almost certainly had more than minimal cross-contamination, there isn't evidence of contamination through the mail in her case anyway. I think she had direct contact with one of the perps, maybe she knew one of them. I agree with you that her predilection for smelling things may have been her downfall.

144 posted on 01/07/2005 10:43:48 PM PST by John Faust

To: John Faust; Battle Axe; genefromjersey; jpl
Here is the only theory I can come up with consistent with every-thing we know:

May-be XTN was an unwitting courier. After many years, an old American acquantiance from Nam seeks her out and says he has a small job for her. She was rescued in the last hours of Saigon as it fell, and may have felt that she owed something. She would also have been paid for her work, we know she had some outside job and anybody in her circumstance could use some extra cashe.

So she is given a plastic baggy with envelopes in it. She is warned in no uncertain terms not to remove the envelopes from the bag until the time of mailing, not even to open the baggy until then, and to handle it gently. No mention of anthrax. May-be some cover story like = it's a secret job and finger-prints needed to be avoided. And some assurance that no-one would get hurt.

Following instructions, she goes to a mail-box, opens the baggy and, without touching the envelopes, pours them out into the mail-box. Then... out of curiousity, she takes a big whiff from the empty baggy, as is her wont. No-one had warned her about the empty baggy, they thought the envelopes were sealed tight with tape, and also no-one imagined that she would take a deep breath from the empty baggy. But, as we know, she always liked to smell things. And that's the unfortunate end of her story.

BTW: Why do I say an unwitting courier rather than an intencional accomplice who knew what she had done? Because she did not appear to suspect that she had anthrax. She was very ill, even had a bloody cough, for two days but did not see a doctor for anti-biotics and went to work any-way. The super-intendent who drove her to gospital didnt mention the signs of fear or nervousness that she would have shown if she had suspected what she had.

145 posted on 01/07/2005 11:09:47 PM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Khan Noonian Singh

Khan,one of the main problems with that is this woman-who holds down at least 2 jobs so she can keep body and soul together-is suddenly travelling to Princeton,NJ-by bus,train,or private car,seeking out a mailbox in an unfamiliar town,and mailing some tainted letters....TWICE !

Had there been some unexplained absences from work,the Feds would have been all over it.

146 posted on 01/08/2005 5:20:24 AM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: Khan Noonian Singh

Your scenario is too far fetched. It is more plausible to believe that she was a victim of cross contamination.

The question we need to ask is how many other spider bites were seen that cleared up with common antibiotics and were never diagnosed? The public did become aware, but we Americans still have a tendency to believe what our physicians say, take our medicine and go on with life.

Kathy N. had been healthy. I'm really surprised that they caught Otillie Lundgrens' case. At 91, one would expect to get sick suddenly.
147 posted on 01/08/2005 6:53:04 AM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: genefromjersey; John Faust; Battle Axe; jpl
<< Khan,one of the main problems with that is this woman-who holds down at least 2 jobs so she can keep body and soul together-is suddenly travelling to Princeton,NJ-by bus,train,or private car,seeking out a mailbox in an unfamiliar town,and mailing some tainted letters....TWICE !
Had there been some unexplained absences from work,the Feds would have been all over it. >>

I don't think any o this is a problem for the theory.

Public transportation between NYC and Princeton is readily available, and fast. She could easily have gone when offduty, the 9 October 2001 letters were mailed sometime during a 3-day week-end. The 18 September 2001 letters could have been mailed on a trip to Princeton Monday evening 17 September. Or mailed Sunday and not postmarked until Tues, USPS has occasional pickup delays.

For that matter, we don't know that both mailings were from Princeton. The theory doesnt even require her to have handled both mailings, altho that would seem logical.

Some-how I dont think << seeking out a mailbox in an unfamiliar town >> would have been much of a hurdle to her. She was an incredibly resourceful woman, with emotional strength - look at her life story.

As for holding down 2 jobs, maybe this was the 2nd job. Or if not, it was just a very parttime moonlighting thing, no-one knew about it. She wasnt working 100-hour weeks, she had time to visit restaurants and such like.

This theory may not be pre-cisely right. But it is a lot more credible than random crosscontamination when no spores are found anywhere else in the area, and she, as a healthy woman, is exposed to enough spores to give her a virulent case of inhalation anthrax, altho no-one else even gets cutaneous anthrax from the supposed spores on the loose.

Also, as has been said earlier, it would be one hell of a coincidence for someone with past CIA connexions to be a random victim of the first-ever anthrax attack on the USA.

148 posted on 01/08/2005 3:15:42 PM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Battle Axe; genefromjersey
Battle Axe, watch out for hidden bias.

If she had a Pakistani name and had Islamic-terrorist connexions from 1975, you'd be all over her.

Let the evidence lead where-ever it leads.

149 posted on 01/08/2005 3:18:42 PM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Khan Noonian Singh
May-be XTN was an unwitting courier.... [intriguing details omitted]

Thank you for posting. I find this theory very plausible. In fact, it is the only plausible explanation I have seen for Kathy Nguyen's having contracted anthrax. Her case is completely different than all the others, and much harder to fathom.

150 posted on 01/08/2005 3:27:44 PM PST by John Faust

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Workers Can't Sue Postal Officials Over Anthrax, Judge Rules
Washington Post ^ | 11/20/04 | Carol D. Leonnig

Posted on 11/20/2004 11:46:06 AM PST by TrebleRebel

click here to read article

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To: Khan Noonian Singh

Well,that still leaves us with the very awkward Otillie Lundgren-a pretty much home bound senior citizen,whose mailbox,trash,property,house,etc. all came up negative for anthrax contamination.

I don't see her as a secret agent,somehow !

151 posted on 01/08/2005 3:45:10 PM PST by genefromjersey (So much to flame;so little time !)

To: genefromjersey
<< Well,that still leaves us with the very awkward Otillie Lundgren-a pretty much home bound senior citizen,whose mailbox,trash,property,house,etc. all came up negative for anthrax contamination.
I don't see her as a secret agent,somehow ! >>

Concur with you on this. Lundgren and Nguyen are very different:

  • Lundgren was 94 yrs of age, very old and frail. A few spores could have done her in - low immune system. Nguyen, altho no Spring chicken, was much younger, strong and in the best of health, never missed a day of work. Nguyen must have received a large dose of spores.
  • Anthrax contamination was found on the mail of one of Lundgren's neighbours, providing a specific route for possible crosscontamination in Lundgren's case. No anthrax spores have been discouvered in Nguyen's neighbourhood or any-where else she was known to frequent.
  • Since Lundgren was frail enough to have succumbed to a small number of spores, it isn't surprising that there's no trail of spores or other cases around here. But it is surprising that Nguyen's case, with probably a much greater spore exposure, was an isolated incident - with no trail of spores, no other cases, not even cutaneous.

152 posted on 01/09/2005 12:51:28 AM PST by Khan Noonian Singh

To: Khan Noonian Singh; genefromjersey
Since Lundgren was frail enough to have succumbed to a small number of spores, it isn't surprising that there's no trail of spores or other cases around here. But it is surprising that Nguyen's case, with probably a much greater spore exposure, was an isolated incident - with no trail of spores, no other cases, not even cutaneous.

The argument is stronger even that that, Khan. There was a trail of spores near Ottilie Lundgren. A spore was found on mail received by one of her neighbors, and that mail could be traced back to the infamous New Jersey postal machines.

There is no "trail of spores" near places Kathy Nguyen went to, no spores at all. As you pointed out, this is very surprising: Contaminated mail was found near Lundgren's house. It would have taken many more spores to infect the healthy 61-year-old Kathy Nguyen than the near-centenarian Ottilie Lundgren. So where are the spores? Why were there no spores found in Nguyen's stomping grounds?

153 posted on 01/09/2005 2:27:29 AM PST by John Faust

To: John Faust; Khan Noonian Singh; genefromjersey; jpl
Do we know we have all the mail that passed through Kathy N's area? Otillie's was easy, there were not that many neighbors.

Didn't Kathy N. work near a mail room? If Otillie contracted inhallation, one would expect to find at least one spore in her home as she seldom ventured from it, but none were found. If they had not found that spores on the neighbors mail, would we know??

Anthrax is a difficult to disseminate. Equally difficult to detect in very small quantities. Would the volume of mail passing through the mail room next to Kathy N. have diluted the number of spores to a level of poor detection?

I'm standing firm on the cross contamination.
154 posted on 01/09/2005 11:12:06 AM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

To: Battle Axe; Khan Noonian Singh; genefromjersey; jpl
I'm standing firm on the cross contamination.

"Standing firm" in the absence of solid evidence is unwise.

Is cross-contamination conceivable? Yes it is. One would have to be foolish to rule it out completely. On the other hand, one would also have no reasoned basis to take the opposite position and claim that cross-contamination was proven.

So one may ask:

"Is there any concrete evidence for cross-contamination in the Nguyen case?" No, there is none.

"Is there any concrete evidence for a source of anthrax other than cross-contamination in the Nguyen case?" No, there is no evidence of that either.

The known evidence leads to no definitive position on the source of her anthrax infection.

The original consensus of the experts was that cross-contamination was unlikely. The most common view among investigators originally was that she crossed paths with the perps in some way.

Only when no other source of anthrax was found did cross-contamination become the fallback position. There is no hard evidence in favor of cross-contamination as the source.

155 posted on 01/09/2005 11:16:04 PM PST by John Faust

To: John Faust; genefromjersey; Khan Noonian Singh; jpl; Mitchell
Thanks for you analysis.

There is a possible cross contamination case in Southern California. I have corresponded with this woman for over 2 years now. She did not travel outside her area. You will not hear about it because someone that far away coming down with cutaneous anthrax is going to panic the already panicked public. She knows the post office checked her distribution center. The did not find anything. She did get some mail from New Jersey about that time.

But she did the same thing that is only human. She had about 5 different wild conspiracy theories including her gardener. I think it is only human to let your imagination run wild thinking that you are the intended target and have been singled out for extermination.

Even the scientists were amazed that the spores sifted through the envelopes and left such a trail.

Now on your side of the Tally: The woman was put on antibiotics shortly after a swab was taken. The swab was processed as strep throat and then destroyed. She only has a video of part of the time frame where the sore raged on her arm. She did save the eschar, but even that was determined not to have live spores on it as she had been on antibiotics for a long time.

Bob Stevens had parts in his body that tested negative for live spores after he had been on antibiotics.
So, yes this is a good discussion and we need to keep it up until the perp is caught! Do you think one of us will catch him?
156 posted on 01/10/2005 4:24:34 AM PST by Battle Axe (Repent, for the coming of the Lord is nigh!)

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